Constitutional Provisions







Art 315-323

315- PSC for Union and States

316- Appointment and Term of office of members

317- Removal and Suspension of a member of PSCs

318- Power to make regulations as to conditions of service of members and staff of the commision

319- Prohibition as to holding of office by members of commission

320- Functions of PSCs

321- Power to extend functions of PSCs

322- Expenses of PSCs

323- Reports of PSCs

Everything by Prez

C+Others (Usually 9-11) - No composition, qualifications specified

Half of members must have been under GoI/GoS for at least 10 years

Tenure- 6/65 yrs


paid employment outside office

unfit in opinion of Prez due to infirmity of mind/body

misbehaviour -> refer to SC ->Remove if reco by SC

Security of Tenure

conditions of service can't be varied to disadvantage of chairman after his appointment

Expenses charged on CFI

Chairman ineligible for reappointmen as well as further employment in Gov/State

member of UPSC eligible for appointment as Chairman of UPSC or a SPSC but not for any other employment in GoI/GoS

Watch dog of Merit System (Constitution Visualization)

Recruitment but not with classification of services, pay and service conditions, cadre management and training etc. (DoPT)

Limited and Advisory

Conducts examinations for appointments to AIS, CS, and Public Services of centrally administered territories

assists states (if requested by 2 or more states) in framing and operating schemes for joint recruitment for any services for which the candidates posing special qualifications are required

Serves all or any needs of a state on request of state governor and with Prez approval

Consulted on following matters relating to personnel management

matters relating to methods of recruitment to Civil Services and civil posts

principles to be followed in making appointments to CS and posts and in makiing promotions and transfers from one service to other

Disciplinary matters affecting a person serving under GoI

claim for reimbursement of legal expenses incurred by a CS in defending legal proceedings instituted against him in respect of acts done in execution of his official duties

claim for award of pension wrt injuries sustained by a person while serving under GoI

matters relating to temporary appointments for period extending one year and or regularlisation of appointments

matters relating to grant of extension of service and re-employment of certain retired civil servants

submits annual reports to Prez who then places it before both houses of Parliament

Not consulted on the following matters

While making reservations of appointments or posts in favor of any backward class of citizens

While taking into consideration claims of SC and ST in making appointment to Services and Posts

With regards to membership of tribunals or commsions, posts of highest diplomatic nature and bulk of group C or group D services

temporary appointment < 1 year

prez can exclude posts, services and matters from purview of UPSC; but such regulations shall be laid by Prez in House of Parliament for at least 14 days.