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European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) (Aim (Helps fishermen in the…
European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF)
Helps fishermen in the transition to sustainable fishing
Supports coastal communities in diversifying their economies
Finances projects that create new jobs and improve quality of life along European coasts
Supports sustainable aquaculture developments
Makes it easier for applicants to access financing
Fund for the EU's maritime and fisheries policies for 2014-2020.
It is one of the five European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds which complement each other and seek to promote a growth and job based recovery in Europe
To je fond koji obuhvaća sve sektore u industriji – morsko i slatkovodno ribarstvo, akvakulturu (uzgajanje ribe, školjaka i vodenog bilja) te obradu i trgovinu ribljim proizvodima
How it works?
Each country is allocated a share of the total Fund budget, based on the size of its fishing industry
Each country then draws up an operational programme, saying how it intends to spend the money
Once the Commission approves this programme, it is up to the national authorities to decide which projects will be funded
The national authorities and the Commission are jointly responsible for the implementation of the programme
How to access EMFF funding?
First check with the national authority in charge of managing the operational programme in your country
Then follow the relevant application procedures so that the managing authority can check the eligibility of your project and whether it meets the relevant selection criteria and investment priorities
Gospodarski subjekti
Koje aktivnosti se sufinanciraju?
Prilagodba ribarske flote
Akvakultura, prerada i plasman na tržište ribljih proizvoda, ribarenje u slatkim vodama
Djelovanje s ciljem ostvarivanja zajedničkog interesa cijelog
EU područja
Održivi razvoj ribarskih područja
Tehnička pomoć za financiranje administrativnog aparata fonda
Postotak sufinanciranja?
Do 85% ukupne vrijednosti projekta
Maksimalan doprinos fonda za pojedine se projekte izračunava kao omjer ukupnog zbroja svih javnih rashoda dok omjer financiranja iz fonda varira ovisno o prioritetima, a veći je za regije s nižim stupnjem razvijenosti i nove zemlje članice