How to Create More Employment

Current situation

Considerable under-employment in agriculture

There is also a lot of unemployment

In Agriculture

Takes bank loan for well construction

Able to irrigate land

Plants second crop in rabi season

One hectare can provide employment for 2 people for 50 days - sowing, watering, applying fertilizer, harvesting

If government builds a dam and constructs canals to irrigate many farms, many more can be employed in agricultural sector

Eg: Laxmi has 2 hectares of un-irrigated land

Reduces under-employment in agriculture

In Transportation & Storage

If farmers produce more, they would be able to sell some of the crops they produce

If the government invests in transportation & storage of crops or makes better rural roads so that mini trucks can reach rural areas, several farmers who have now access to water can grow more crops & sell it

Besides farmers, this will provide employment to those in services such as transport & trade

Low interest loans

Besides water, farmers need seeds, fertilizers, agricultural equipments, pumps etc

A poor farmer may have to borrow money to buy these

Moneylenders charge a high rate of interest

Low interest loans to farmers will increase employment

If a local bank is able to provide the farmer a loan at reasonable interest rate, the farmer will be able to buy the necessary items and cultivate his land

Promote industries that support agriculture in semi-rural areas

Eg 1- In a place where farmers grow pulse crops, setting up of a dal mill to process the pulses and sell in cities will generate employment

Eg 2 - Opening a cold storage would help farmers store crops such as onions & potatoes & sell them when the price is good

Eg 3 - Setting up of honey collection centres near forest areas would help farmers to sell wild honey

Eg 4 - Setting up of industries that process vegetables and cereals such as potato, sweet potato, tomato, fruits, rice, wheat etc so that it can be sold in outside markets

Such industries will provide employment in semi-rural areas