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PPL Flight Test Guide (Transport Canada) (Ex 4 Taxiing (Brake check,…
PPL Flight Test Guide
(Transport Canada)
Ex 2
Aeroplane Familirisation & Flight Prep
A. Docs & Airworthiness (Ground Item)
B. Airplane Performace (Ground Item)
C. W & Balance Loading (Ground Item)
D. Pre-Flight Inspection (Air Item)
E. Engine startup / running, Checklist Usage
F. Operation & Aircraft Systems
Ex 4
Brake check
Wind correction
Taxi speed & centre line tracking
adhere to Tower instructions
Confirm operation of flight instruments
After landing, clear hold short before turning off switches
Ex 9
Steep Turns
Obj: Level & coordinated turn
lookout: before and during
roll into/out with smooth pitch/bank/yaw/power control
constant bank 45deg
altitude +/- 100ft, airspeed +/-10kts, heading +/- 10deg
Ex 11
Slow Flight
Obj: establish in slow flight (stall horn sounding) and maneuvre effectively with smooth recovery
slight airspeed increase in turns OK (as stall speed increases then)
HASEL check
above 2000ft (what does POH say?)
maintain lookout
straight level flight and 15deg turn
avoid stall
+/- 100ft, 10deg heading, 5deg bank
roll out +/- 10deg heading
recover promptly/smoothly to normal flight on instruction
Ex 12
Obj: Recognise stall indications, enter into one smoothly and recover with minimal altitude loss
A. Power-off /
B. Power-on
HASEL check
above 2000ft
establish configuration
transition to stall pitch attitude
recognise and announce stall onset: buffeting and sluggish controls
stall the airplane, maintain directional control
promptly/smoothly recover
avoid secondary stall / excessive altitude loss
Ex 14
Obj: Recognise spiral and recover smoothly and safely
HASEL check
examiner will initiate from overbanked steep turn / incorrect spin entry
recover promptly and smoothly to straight and level
minimal altitude loss
avoid exceeding plane operating speeds
Ex 15
Obj: slip to increase rate of descent OR for crosswind landing
INCREASE DESCENT RATE: forwards slip OR slipping turn
can be shown during forced or precautionary landing approaches
establish slip
appropriate to flight profile or crosswind conditions
if forward slip, maintain flight path
recover smoothly to coordinated flight
Ex 16
Obj: demonstrate normal / short field / soft field takeoff. When possible:
one based on previously calculated performance
one based on crosswind conditions
accurately assess wind shear / mechanical turbulence / wake turbulence
A. Normal Takeoff
passenger safety: seat belt secure, doors locked
checklist complete
align centreline
specify go/no-go decision
position flight controls for intended take-off run
full power, confirm full power
rotate +10/-5kts recommended speed
maintain climb speed +10/-5kts
eliminate drift from runway centreline
follow noise abatement
level checks
B1. Short-Field Takeoff
use maximum performance takeoff technique in POH
passenger safety brief
Go/No-go decision and steps
advance throttle smoothly with brakes on
confirm full power
rotate and accelerate to correct climb speed/attitude
apply drift correction
retract flaps above obstacle and min recommended retraction speed
B2. Soft-Field Takeoff
initial procedure same as normal takeoff
taxi and position on take off surface without stopping
traffic lookouit
KEEP NOSE light and don’t stop
establish pitch attitude to transfer weight from wheels to wings
lift off at slowest airspeed based on conditions
stay in ground effect, accelerate to Vy / Vy - as obstacles dictate
speed targets within error as for normal takeoff
Ex 17
Obj: operate safely in controlled / uncontrolled airspace
adhere to ATC clearances / instructions
correct wind drift to maintain ground track
maintain circuit altitude +/- 100ft
checklist completion
avoid wake turbulence, follow noise abatement
Ex 18
Approach & Landing
Obj: demonstrate
normal landing
short-field landing OR soft-field landing
A. Normal landing
review passenger safety (belts, doors)
consider wind, surface obstructions
select touchdown point
establish approach path and landing config
maintain crosswind correction
make smooth, timely, correct control inputs on approach
touchdown smoothly at min speed for conditions at touchdown point +400/-100ft
brakes, without skidding or lockup
complete checks
B1. Short-Field landing
prior to flare, overshoot for second attempt is acceptable if landing in touchdown zone deemed not possible
procedure to follow Flight Training Manual, at max performance per POH
same actions as normal landing, with below extras
final approach that clears an obstacle, resulting in one of below Vref speeds at height 50ft AGL:
-- recommended final approach speed +10/-5kts; or
-- 1.3 Vso (+10/-5kts); or
-- min safe speed for existing conditions, such as gusty or crosswind conditions
touchdown point +200/-50ft
touchdown no side drift and centre line +/- 15ft
B2. Soft-Field Landing
same as short-field landing
add power on touchdown to maintain landing attitude for slowest main wheel contact with nose wheel off ground.
touchdown within first 1/3rd of runway
nose wheel off ground as long as possible while decelerating whilst considering remaining runway length
C. Overshoot
on examiner's command or by student if necessary for safety
establish full power, and pitch to arrest descent
retract flaps per POH
accelerate to climb speed +10/-5kts
complete checklist
Ex 21
Precautionary Landing
safely evaluate unfamiliar aerodrome or prospective place to land.
-- aerodrome landing unknown condition
-- off-field landing due to deteriorating condition
select suitable airstrip or other safe landing area
comply with circuit procedures
make appropriate radio calls (actual / simulated)
do COWLS check (Civilisation, Obstacles, Winds, Length, Surface
select suitable touchdown zone
establish circuit at appropriate distance from airstrip
remain orientated
establish safe altitude for low pass at recommended airspeed (+10/-5kts)
determine suitability of surface
indicate type of landing to use
climb back to circuit altitude
-- Pan Pan call
-- passenger safety
-- pre-landing checks while in straight and level flight
perform final approach with intention to land
must communicate/justify low pass height and changes in speed for wind/gust etc.
Ex 22
Forced Landing
Obj: plan, manage, safely execute successful approach to suitable landing area, in event of engine failure
A. Control / Approach
control plane and establish best glide speed (+10/-5kts)
specify landing area/ touchdown zone
fly organised approach considering altitude, wind, terrain, obstructions etc.
-- 1. after glide speed set, student can vary airspeed and flight profile to achieve safe approach
-- 2. change of field okay from height that would still have enabled landing on original site
B. Cockpit Management
complete basic visual actions from memory
follow-up with checklist "Engine Failure in Flight", if time permits
simulate appropriate radio call if time permits
perform passenger emergency safety review
: student expected to clear engine at appropriate intervals on descent
Ex 24
Instrument Flying
A. Full Panel
B. Recovery Unusual Attitude
Ex 23
Pilot Navigation
Plan VFR cross-country flight
demonstrate knowledge by explain elements related to flight planning
A. Pre-Flight Planning (Ground Item)
use latest charts and CFS
identify airspace, obstructions, terrain features and map symbols
obtain info about en route and destination airports
retrieve/interpret weather info & NOTAMs
check suitability of departure/destination runways (existing / forecast conditions)
select safe/efficient route
prepare contingency plans for intermediate / alternate destinations
select appropriate cruising altitudes based on weather / equipment restrictions
prepare nav chart and log with headings, ground speed, fuel and time en route
make Go/No-go decision
complete an ICAO VFR flight plan and simulate filing with examiner
complete planning, prep/calc, excluding weight and balance for actual test flight within one hour.
demonstrate practical knowledge how to determine ETE / fuel
B. Departure Procedure
C. En Route Procedure
D. Diversion to an Alternate
Ex 29
Emergency Procedures/ Malfunctions
react promptly / correctly to emergences and system malfunctions
-- one emergency must be done while airborne
-- another can be anytime (ground / air)
-- analyse situation
-- take correct action
-- follow memory items, emergency checklists or procedures
partial power loss
rough engine operation or overheat
loss of oil pressure
fuel starvation
electrical fire
vacuum system failure
pitot static blockage
cabin fire
electrical malfunctions
landing gear malfunctions
brake failure or seizure
flap failure
door opening in flight
spin recovery
emergency descent
any other emergency unique to the airplane flown
engine fire on start / ground fire after start
alternator failure in flight
electrical failure / system malfunction / over average
main wheel malfunction / lost on T-O
door open in flight
loss fuel pressure
vacuum system failure
partial power loss
Ex 30
Radio Communication