How can the religions of the Middle East (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) dialogue to bring world peace?
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Examples that we have learned in class of the Abrhamic faiths dialogue to create world peace
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As a result of this conflict, nine crusades against Muslim rulers by Christians occurred
Muslims captured many Christian holy places and threatened Constantinople
Between 1095 and 1272, many tensions were being raised between the Christians and the Muslims
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However, there were some efforts of dialogue. This includes:
St Francis of Assisi had went to Egypt to visit the Sultan to try and convert him
Peter the Venerable began the first translation of the Qur'an
St Thomas Aquinas also wrote a theological debate
Imam and Pastor also took action in organizing a peace conference at the University of Massachusetts-Boston. At the conference, they taught 50 delegates from cities in Lebanon, Kosovo, Bosnia, Iraq, Northern Ireland, Israel-Palestine, etc, workable systems of governance to help conflicts between religions in their community
Imam and Pastor share their own story of how their conflicts between each other's religions have negatively impacted their lives to teach others that hating people with a different religion is dangerous.
Imam and Pastor are two men with different religions (Muslim and Christianity) who educate warring religious youth militias across Nigeria how to solve their conflicts in peaceful ways.
Another example of the Abrahamic faiths creating world peace through dialogue is the works of Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye.
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Why dialogue is important for these Abrahamic faiths
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Dialogue is important for these Abrahamic faiths because it will create peace aand trust to solve conflicts between these religions
Using dialogue also builds mutual trust between different faiths. The more we learn about each other's faiths and understand them, the more we can trust each other.
However, dialogue will help solve these conflicts and challenges because it educates us to have a deeper appreciation of other people's faiths. By using dialogue we are able to educate ourselves more about other people's religions
Dialogue helps us understand each others challenges because we are being more informed on different religions
Many people of these faiths believe that their beliefs are more accurate than the others because they strive for more power.
Since we can understand each other's challenges, this allows us to safeguard the rights of individuals
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Although the Abrahamic create conflicts due to their differences, the three religions also have many similarities that can be observed using dialogue to create peace.
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The Abrahamic faiths all have a place of worship. For example, Christians worship in a Church, Jews worship in a Synagogue and Muslims worship in a Mosque.
Each religion follows and studies a holy book that provides scriptures. For example, the Bible, the Torah and the Qur'an
Each religion divides into branches. For example:Christianity divides into Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. Judaism divides into Orthodox, Conservative and Reform. Islam dives into Sunni and Shi'ite
Each religion practices a ritual to fast at some point in a year to become closer to God. For example, Lent, Ramadan and the day of Atonement
These three religions believe that God is the creator of the universe
The Abrahamic faiths believe in one God
For example, the three religions are Abrahamic faiths
Jews and muslims also have similar dietary laws. They must keep Kosher. Consumption of blood is forbidden, swine is forbidden, predators and birds of prey are forbidden, etc
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A class example of someone of the Abrahamic faiths creating world peace with dialogue is a Muslim speaker and poet named Amal Kassir
Amal Kassir organizes events to announce her lectures to those with different religious beliefs and traditions
Through her lectures and poetry, Kassir teaches us that we need to get to know someone before negatively labelling them based on their religion and culture
She also teaches us how to react towards a person who has created destruction and terrorism to our world. For example, most of us assume that those who create these conflicts are a group of certain people instead of isolating or individualizing them
This video is one of her events as a public speaker called The Muslim on the airplane informing an audience of different religions
Another person that demonstrates dialogue to create world peace between the Abrahamic faiths is pope Francis.
Pope Francis invited an interreligious group from Argentina that includes fifteen Jews, fifteen Muslims and fifteen Christians
Pope Francis delivered a speach to this group focussing on brotherhood. He told the group that it is important to remember that we all have the same father before we act negatively towards someone due to their different beliefs.
Pope francis believes that we need to make peace using dialogue with different religions to start making a change in our world against conflicts and challenges.
He congratulated and encouraged the interreligious group for being inclusive by visiting different places of worship such as the Mosque, the Church and the Synagogue
He compares this act to a seed that builds culture of encounter "that we all have to carry forward"
At the end of their meeting, they exchanged gifts that represent each other's religions. This demonstrates appreciation of one another's religions
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I have used dialogue with people of the Abrahamic faiths
I have also shown empathy for these students due to their challenges of moving to Canada
As a school and with a group of friends, I have also raised money for the Because I am a Girl foundation.
Many times we have raised over $500 to donate to young women who lack privileges in their country due to their religion and gender
I have spoken to many international students in my school to understand their challenges and beliefs to appreciate that similarities and differences between my religion and other religions. For example, a student from Syria in my grade ten religion class would share stories and rituals that he would practice back in Syria.