Technology Integration Models
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Tech acts as a direct tool substitute within functional change - Create new tasks that were once unimaginable such as using google docs to communicate with children from around the world and being able to reflect on those changes.
Tech allows for significant task design - Redesigned parts of the task. Students collaborating on google docs using comments section to provide instant feedback
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Tech allows for the creation of new tasks previously inconcievalbe such as using google doc as a word processor.
Tech act as a direct tool substitute with functional improvement - Technology increases functionality. like using google doc, saving it in one click and then being able to access it from anywhere
Allows you to efficiently teach content area
Teachers need to understand content in order to understand technology
This model shows how they all work together
Supports teaching and learning
Strategic reasoning and planning by students
Students get used to a system through guided assistance
Gradual Release
Choice of digital tool is granted
Based on the constructivist learning theory
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Five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments:
• active,
• collaborative,
• constructive,
• authentic,
• goal-directed
Time Release Teaching
Student-Centered Instruction