What is the main core problem?
Empathize 1Week
2 Meetings with Experts on the topic
1 day Online research on the Topic
Work 1 - 3 days with the end users and find their core problems and needs (Find some way to experience what they do daily)
Define 1 day
Ideate 1 day
Define Core Problems
Come up with a problem statement in a human-centered manner for the main core problem
Prototype 2 Weeks
Worst Possible Idea
Define more Ideation techniches
result should be features that solve the core probems
result should be a list of the core problems and the main core problem statment
Make mockupsin adobe XD or other prototype tool
Test the mockup with the team and see if it has the features generated in the previous stage are covered
result: A list with the status of all features and its constraints, if decided to implement star from define for that feature.
1 day go and show the mock up to end users and Investigate every feature one by one and either give them a status of: accepted, improved, re-eximined or rejected.
On the same day from above, ask if the main concerns are addressed with the mockup and see if different users keep asking for a new feature, if a lot of them do analyze it with the team.
Develop an MVP 2 Weeks
Design and white board Db with all accepted core features
Design and White board classes needed
Design White board Services needed
Design and White board Controllers
For each feature decide technology and the versions needed
Implement views
Come up with a way to get feedback from the app
Result: Product ready to use and receiving feedback for next updates
Launch beta version 1.0
result: MVP Beta version 0.1
list of technologies used and the version of each "ReadMe"
List of possible new features to be discussed with the team(if a new feature is decided to implement start from define for that feature.)
Result: Gather all the Data acquired in a coggle Diagram
List of most mentioned features
List of most mentioned problems
Every month look if the listed technologies on the readme were, updated and determine if the app needs an update base on those.
Call Managers of the App to check that everything is working properly.
check exemptions on DB
look every week for messages in the implemented way to get feedback on the app
Fix bugs
Apply required technology updates if needed. After discussing them with team.
If there are recurring petitions for new features, do the design process for that feature an look for the best solution that doesn't interfere with core functionality and stability of the app.
release new version with the above implementations
A testable Mockup
Implement a log table for excemptions on DB