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university students' problem in japan (percentage (part time job…
university students' problem in japan
don't have much time
part time job
hard both for mental and physical
they do too much part time job in the long interval
club activity
find that too much spend time on playing with someone
have to do the house work(if you live in your house alone)
commute time
relatively long?
don't know what they study for
don't find what they want to do in the future
too much care for the grade
don't be motivated
don't live a regular life
lack of sleep
club activity's party
don't have the class which is useful for the future directly
especially in academic students
review their own schedule
understand what they should do at least
make a schedule for study
put it into practice
search a lot kinds of jobs
get the information
from friends or other students
find something which is useful in the future
do part time jobs
experiencing many kinds of jobs
find something which is useful in the future
care for the health
sleep at least six hours everyday
do cooking
change the examination system for university
do more interview test
students' purpose in university become clear
part time job
11~20hour 39.5%
6~10hour 28.7%
1~5 hour 22.2%
the income from part time job is increasing
know what they want to do in the future
yes 58.4%
no 41.6%
worry that weather they can get the job which they want to do
too much worry for it
relatively worry
commute time
from their parents' house
31~60minutes 30.4%
60~minutes 54.7%
~30minutes 15.0%
more than 6hours 67.1%
1~5hours 29.4%