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Week 0: An Introduction to Media Communication (**Reading:Media/society:…
Week 0: An Introduction to Media Communication
**Reading:Media/society: industries, images, and audiences. [Chapter 1 Media and the Social World]
Croteau, D., Hoynes, W., & Milan, S. (2012).
Media/society: Industries, images, and audiences.
Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE.
Media and Society hand in hand
Our intimate familiarity with the media often allows us to take them for granted.
"Socialization is the process whereby we learn and internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of our cultured in so doing develop a sense of self" - Author of book
Self is developed by culture e.g. Americans believing America is the best country due to the nation due to acts such as singing the national anthem before sports games.
Socilization process teach us to preform our social roles as friends, students, workers, citizens and so forth.
Socialisation happens throughout life but it is especially influential on children.
Media play a role in socialising us into our culture.
We depend on media for what we know
Media effects all...
The importance of Media
Everybody is using it. The amount of ways and the amount of time we spend on it has only increased over time. Biggest increase between 2000-2010.
Many of the younger generation consume so much media because they multitask it, using more then one at a time.
Our media and our society as we know it re fused: Media/Society.
Media is everything, Imagine a world without it.
A lot of media is still young, newly introduced/ invented.
The Rise of Mass Media
The print media
Print media was the first form of media
It took days and even weeks for news to travel across countries due to it having to be physically transported by train or boat.
Telegraph in the 1840's allowed for almost instaantaneous communication over long distances. It was not classed as a mass media because it was like a text one person to one person.
Sound recording and the film media
Radio allowed for media to be cast broadly and instantly to those who tuned in.
The word Media is derived from the latin word
which means middle.
Media is the middle between the sender of the message and the receiver of the message. Also known as the reader or user.
The role of the audience is to intemperate the media they are receiving.
The biggest changes in media is that the audience are also users of the media as they now contribute content to the platforms. E.g writing a Facebook post of putting a review on an Amazon product.
Sociologists call the interpreting process of activity creating meaning in this way the social
construction of reality.
The internet and New technologies
What started off as Mass broadcasting has now turned into
due to mobile devices. Media comes to an individual more then a group now.
All of these types of media are now all accessed through the internet in apps.
The positives of the new technologies
More choice
people are able to respond to the media
customised media products and delivery options
Produce and shear there own media content
A Sociology of media
We can only understand the condition of the individual only by situating that person in the larger context of society.
Definition: "Socialization is the process whereby we learn and internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of our cultured in so doing develop a sense of self" - Author of book
Example: Some student choice to go to university due to pressure from there presents (the key socialising agents). Social influence.
Our sense of identity and individuality emerges from our social interactions with others. / Socialisation makes us who we are.
Sociologists often try to look at the "big picture".
C. Wright Mills, an American Sociliogist stated that... What he calls Socialogical imagination - enables us to see the connections between "private troubles" and "public issues".
Social Relations
Relationships between institutions
Relationships within an institution
Relationships between institutions and individuals
Structural Constraints and human agency
Social structure/ structural con straights describes any recurring pattern of social behaviour.
When sociologists speak of the change in family structure, they are referring to the changes in expected family behaviour.
it is this constraint feature that is most important when considering structure.
Agency: When sociologists discuss structure, they often pair it with agency.
Agency is intentional and undetermined human action.
Students in fact have the capacity for independent action in schools - they have agency. However, the regulations and norms of the educational system- the structural constraint- limit that agency.
Thus, while structure contains agency, it is human agency that both maintains and alters social structures.
Relationships between the media and other social industries
Media have agency the sense of acting on their own and perhaps influencing other social institutions.
Media can have influence over other institutions.
Relationships between the media and the public
This looks at how readers interact with media products and media technology.
Readers are not sponges that just soak up the medias information. Readers must actively interpret the media.
Readers and user also have the opportunity to contribute and interact on various media platforms., which manipulates exciting content.
By having active interactions with people we promote understanding about the message being conveyed. This is done through aspects such as talking face to face, asking questions in the moment and commenting on statements.
Mass media dose not allow for this intimate interaction. For example you can't asking a comedian through the tv half way through a comidey scetch to exaplin a joke.
People have there own understanding of what they are interpreting through the media due to there class, knowledge and beliefs.
We have to look at all aspects
All the components of the media and audience exists within the broader framework of the social world.
Arrowheads represent the potential relationships between these components.
The Media industry
Is effected by technology but is also instrumental in influencing the direction and application of technology.
Is also the producer of the media message. E.g. a book is written by an author then, defined and printed by a publisher (the media). However, conventions of genre also influence the creators. E.g. The murder mystery genre requires the existence of crime.
Readers and audience
They may be influenced by the media messages they see. E.g. learning about a snowstorm in a weather report. But they just actively interpret and construct meaning from those messages. e.g. deciding whether or not to trust the weather and to take action.
A sociological approach to the media allows us to identify the key questions and reminds us to keep the "big picture" in mind when we discuss media issues.