181115 DEFAUS Innovation in the face of bureaucracy

ENTJ myers briggs

target of mil recruitment

and reflected in entreprenuers

Insight 1. Insight is not a thing

Insight 2. Start ups is about experientation

an output of a strong culture

tolerant of failure

fast to execute

empower people

Defence: tactically quick, but not organisationally

Defence is not good at

Fail Fast fallacy

do not need to fail to get ahead ie not your objective

done though sandboxing containing



but have a passion for a problem to solve

organisations v startup




have legact

start up

no money


so have constrained risk

building legacy

so risk adverse


hypothesise: what is the problem


Risky Assumption Test

what are your riskiest assumptions

what are you assuming? how can you rest those?

click to edit

click to edit

click to edit

get others to tell you why it does not work

Insight 3. You can put a process on innovation

how can you be faster?

develop a decision making framework for testing ideas

to design for failure

cull poor ideas (Darwinian)

remove emotion from the decision

how can you embrace failure

understand the risks

constrain the risks

provide gates (with decisions)



how to empower people

give ownership of the problem

give people space

from work with pitchers

gaty approach

so you know

the problem is

and the solution is

30/3/30 rule

30 secs to capture

3 minutes to secure 30 mins

30 mins to sell