Living things are different from nonliving things
Any individual form of life that uses energy to carry out its activities is an organism.
Living things have characteristics to grow into adults.
All organisms that get water and other materials from the environment.
All living things are made of cells.
These organisms are unicellular and usually too small to see
Some organisms are made up of a single cell.
The cell is the smallest unit of a living thing
The microscope led to the discovery of cell.
Most cells are microscopic.
Robert Hooke was was one of the first people to describe cells.
The microscope is an instrument which makes objects appear bigger that they really are.
Cells come from other cells
Cells carry out the functions that are needed for life to continue.
They found out that cells come from other cells in the late 1850's.
The doubted that all living things were made of cells but they soon found out that they were right in the first place.
The cell theory is important to the study of biology.
Little organisms are responsible for the spoiling of food.
Germs are the little organisms that are making food spoil.
He made an experiment to prove his theory.