Ramos Carmen per.5 Muscular System

Major functions of the muscular system

3 types of muscle tissues and their major functions/ characteristics

body movement(terminology)

names of the muscle

structure and organizational levels of the skeletal muscle

physiology of muscle contraction (sliding filament theory)

  1. Nerve impulse or action potential travels down sarcolemma and into T-tubules, causing sarcoplasmic reticulum to release Ca++ into sarcoplasm.

2.Calcium binds to actin myofilament, exposing the myosin binding site.

  1. Myosin attaches to actin, forming actin/myosin cross-bridges.
  1. Myosin head moves toward M-line of sarcomere, pulling actin filaments past myosin.
  1. This action is repeated many times powered by ATP.
  1. Z lines get closert together. Actin and myosin pass each other. Sarcomeres shorten (H zone dissapears = myofibril shortens entirely.


Orbicularis oculi






Pectoralis major


Biceps brachii

Rectus abdominis

Internal oblique

External oblique


Flexor carpi radialis

Upper body (chest, arm, and abdomen area)


abductor longus



Pelvic area

Recuts femoris

Vastus lateralis

Vastus medialis

Upper-left leg

Tibialis anterior

Peroneus longus

Lower leg (both)

Back of muscles names






Triceps brachii

Larissmius dorsi

External abdominal oblique

Internal abdominal oblique

Upper body(back ,arm,)

Gluteus maximus

Abductor magnus

Biceps femoris


Upper back leg



Lower back leg

Types of muscle tissues:

  1. Skeletal muscle: Characteristics: Cells are long, cylindrical, parallel, and multinucleated. // Functions: moves bones along with other skeletal structures. This moves because of the contracting and relaxing in response to the nervous system sending voluntary messages. Link Title
  1. Cardiac muscle:
    Characteristics: cells are long, cylindrical, branched, and has single central nucleus. (striated) //Functions: contracts that pumps blood. Link Title
  1. Smooth muscle(visceral muscles): Characteristics: Cells are spindle-shaped with single central nucleus and has no striations so it appears smooth. //Functions: makes organs such as the stomach and bladder. This changes for body functions. This contracts by involuntary movements caused by impulses through autonomic nervous system. Link Title
  1. Movement/motion : change in body position and movement. 2. Posture: maintain body position which stabilizes joints making body posture. 3. Thermogenesis- contraction from muscles produces heat.
  1. Prime mover: this muscle contraction is responsible for producing given movement.

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  1. Synergist: this muscle contraction helps the primary mover.
  1. Antagonist: the muscle opposes actions of the prime muscle.