British Colonialism of China

The Imperialist British Empire: The British Empire was a rising juggernaut that ruled the seven seas and had their eyes in China's markets in order to open trade and seek the source of Chinese tea and silk, in where back in Europe, huge influx of demands took place.

The First Opium War

The Feudal China: China is home to the biggest empires and landmasses, its huge populace makes up one of the biggest potential trading ports in the world. However, trading in the pre-industrialised country was difficult due to the massive economic-barriers that makes them unable to accept and receive goods from other European countries in low tarrifs.

The Boxer Rebellion

The British set eyes for the Chinese market, and with the help of India's annexed production of goods, they made sure that the supply of opium was used as the based currency for the Chinese to accept. Eventually, this grew overly notorious as 20 million Chinese residents were consuming opium that acted as a drug than an alternative medicine.

Communist China

The Qing Dynasty: Believes in the purposefully philosophized and predicted term of Mandate In Heaven, where they sought to see everlasting peace by isolating themselves from the outside world whom the country can only be ruled by one Emperor. The longest dynasty, the Qing Dynasty had lived wihth the following policy, this only led to China's technology being much behind to other countries due to their lack of modernized facilities and factories.

Mao Zedong: Mao Zedong is one of the most influential and historical Chinese leaders whom disoriented the western influences and influx of western culture from China, and thus convincing the country to go into other cultural systems and roots from Europe such as Marxism, and Leninism.

At the same time, the British Empire colonized and uses India as a port of trade and supplies of goods in order to obtain Asian goods and to be sold back to Europe.

The British Empire was notorious for their New Imperialist Movement, whom at the time, was indiscriminate to whom they dominated or colonized in order to attain resources to be sold for luxury.

The British lacked any resources of silver, their client, China's only accept to use of silver in order to purchase the goods provided. This then only increased the unequal margin and proportion of the goods in return, whom they were using gold at the time.

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The Chinese decides to ban opium as it already drugged a majority in the area. Opiums were then ordered to be handed in and burned; however the British would only answer by smuggling the opium through illegal trade and black market - that would soon swarm the populace once again. Enforcing the government to establish death sentences to those who possess opium.

The British answered with full force and invaded the Chinese territories - whom the Chinese are ill prepared of due to their unadvanced technology against the Empire. The Emperor then took notice of the war at the very latter, after the entire Yangtze region was conquered.

The Emperor then seek peaceful measures and an unequal treaty was made that favored the British to market their products again and legalize opium, as well as handling Hong Kong to achieve peace. However, the promised foreign relations China would provide was not achieved, and disatissfied the British once again.

When the European Powers in the beginning of the 20th century prioritize the Age of Imperialism altogether, foreign anti secret organizations grew popular and raided Christian and western sects in the country, these are called the Righteous Fists of Harmony, or also known by the west, as Boxers.

The Qing Dynastry briefly neutralized the rebellion, however the empress then sided due to the danger and power the Boxers had, and was against foreign influence as an excuse to regain the power of Qing Dynasty it once had. The Boxers continued to grow organize and destroyed foreign railroads and afterwards the relegates of other European countries as well.

In retaliation, the Eight-Nation Alliance was formed and stationed 20,000 troops in its first year that consist of countries - and later World War I combatants; Germany, Austria-Hungary, Japan, United States, French, Italy, Russia, and British Empire to entirely destroy the threat in China once again.

The Boxer Rebellion were crushed and ended with another unequal treaty forcing China to pay a plethora amount of silvers annually and are charged for several years. The Emperor would eventually cease its dynasty from operations due to civil unrest, and followed to a political struggle for the next two decades.

The Chinese Civil War

As political struggle begin to wash up the new government system from turning into a republic against a popular communist government, a civil war broke out between the two and huge fighting in the landmass occured, only to be disrupted by the Japanese at the latter. Which then causes the Sino Japanese War and the premise of World War 2.

Mao Zedong then led a conscript march after his exile by most of the constiutional leaders, that led him to overthrow several governments in the Eastern China peninsula and Communism grew popular around the country.

The Second Opium War

The French are affiliated in the Chinese region and are forced to retaliate the Chinese relations along with the British after one of their missionaries are murdered by the Chinese locals whom were considered rebellion in the Chinese Empire.

The effect only caused the Burning of the Loyal Palace where the Qing Dynasty is forced to sign another unequal treaty. Foreign relations from Europe would then never be the same for China.