'The Role of Social Media in Crime'

Activity - What is Social Media to you?

Activity - what are the impacts of Social Media?

SWOT Analysis

Link to

Meharbain (1971) Communication

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enhanced engagement with public 'be ahead of the curve!/attract for recruitment to reflect society/public confidence!

Improved Communication/witness appeals Changing Social Norms/Intelligence

Too much information e.g disclosure issues/new crimes/a change in the area we 'Police'

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Negative publicity / Unevidenced influence of public opinion/ fast time mobilisation/fluidity of events

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Activity - Identify some events/incidents that have been affected by 'Social Media

Mark Duggan/2001 Riots

2009 Student Riots

Anti Capitalist Riots 1990's

Personal awareness Mile End Train Derailment

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Social Media OR Social Network Boyd & Ellison (2008)

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FUCHS - Technological Determinism (2009)

Fuchs (2011) 'Moral Panics'

Cohen (2002) Political Considerations

Fuchs (2009) Technological Detemanism)