mandatory for: small-medium company; short adaptable fast 短平快?? little investment but quick result. easy to handle, to estimate. e.g. search engine; wechat vip official account(kol and social distribution社交分发); apps(应用市场), among which, the premium traffic are gathered in baidu, tecent especially wechat and QQ. for mobile terminal, the most important are wechat, weibo and Toutiao. for apps/applied market, baidu91, 应用宝, 360.
1, search engine: baidu adwords need a specific team to handle the keyword paid listing etc.
2, 联盟广告: 百度网盟,搜狗网盟,360网盟,谷歌网盟???
3, 导航ad, hao123, 360导航,...
4, super ad platform, 广点通,sina fan tunnel, Toutiao
5,T类展示广告:腾讯网, sina, 网易,凤凰, 适合品牌主