Political Economics and Dance (Notes on Research Methods 11/7)
Early Dance Studies
More overtly political?
Discourse around whether abstracted dance is apolitical
This idea has been heavily critiqued
Only recently (post crash) has dance studies seriously considered the relationship between dance, politics AND economics
Political Economy
Goes back to Marx and says "economics and politics are one"
Franko article
Society IS a political structure
By this logic, a community of practice IS political (power dynamics)
Franko is saying that dance cannot be apolitical, and that culture, politics, dance, and economics are all informing each other
Politics vs. the Political
Politics: structural, organization, governance
Political: arises/actions that come about because of a political system
Dual meaning: dance in "articulation" with a political moment
Dance articulating a particular moment, but at a different political moment the same dance will articulate a different political
"Hegemony" coming out of Gramsci as a "near-Marxist" or neo-Marxist
Hegemony: dominant structures that hold together a social order. The taken-for-granted/invisiblized norm
Three Tropes
- Sovereignty
- The Individual
- The Impersonal