Medical Asistive Response Aid (MARA)
MARA can collect data and analyze search histories to determine appropriate assistive settings
Configure lists, schedules, and reminders (shopping lists, exercise plans, medications, tasks, appointments, etc.)
linked to an arm band which monitors physiological systems
Heart rate
Blood pressure
cholesterol levels
could potentially administer the appropriate medications
linked to house hold items for automation
doors, locks, lights, TVs, phones, computers, etc.
kitchen appliances, stoves, microwaves, dishwasher, etc.
detection systems, such as fire alarms, smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors
predictive of mood
linked to services
food delivery
Uses simple, precise, and concise language to communicate reminders, instructions, suggestions, etc.
Uses data to develop a daily routine for the individual to follow to help increase habituation and independence.
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Social Interactions
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