How does the local government improve the municipal solid waste management
Bernardes, C., & Günther, W. (2014). Generation of domestic solid waste in rural areas: Case study of remote communities in the Brazilian Amazon. Human Ecology, 42(4), 617-623.
Ramos, C. & Vicentini, A. & Ortega, D. (2012). Challenges and opportunities of waste collection in Caracas Sucre municipality case study. Consilience, 7, 115-129.
Poletto, M., & De Mori, P., & Schneider, V., & Zattera, A. (2016). Urban solid waste management in Caxias Do/Brazil: Practices and challenges. Journal of Urban and Environmental Engineering, 10(1), 50-56.
Solutions about the solid waste collection
Hazardou solid waste may have a negative effects on the population's health (Bernardes & Günther, 2014).
The issue of waste collection is extremely significant because it links to health, environment, and safety. (Ramos et al., 2012, p.117)
They create a trading post so that the informal scavengers can sell the waste from the streets directly to the scavengers associations instead of middlemen(Poletto et. al., 2016).
The project in “José Félix Ribas” will be improved that backpackers collect the trash directly from people’s houses(Ramos et al., 2012).
General Problems
Financial problem
Lack of financial support from the local government (Poletto et. al., 2016).
The municipality often has to rely on taxes from richer areas to cover the costs of waste collection in poorer areas (Ramos et al., 2012).
There is no investment which makes in sustainable solid waste management solutions for rural areas (Bernardes & Günther, 2014).
no public policies that contribute to the real social and scavengers in the municipal solid waste management system (Poletto et. al., 2016).
mix method
mix method
qualitative method
That city often has to rely on taxes from richer areas to cover the costs of waste collection in poorer areas (Ramos et al., 2012).
High cost for transporting recyclable materials.(Bernardes & Günther, 2014).
The government will pass a new law for waste management which will allow the municipalities to fix the tariff structure of the waste collection service.
Municipal government should develop public policies in conjunction with the formal scavengers to development recycling plants to process the plastic waste, increasing the value obtained.
To designate a common site in each community to bury inorganic solid waste in a small landfill site.