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Skeletal System (Long Bone Anatomy (Diaphysis (Shaft) (Long Portion of…
Skeletal System
Long Bone Anatomy
Diaphysis (Shaft)
Long Portion of Long Bone; Composed of Compact Bone
Bone Ends; Mostly Spongy
Epiphyseal Plate
Flat Plate of Hyaline Cartilage Between Epiphysis & Diaphysis
Articular Cartilage
Covers External Surface of Epiphsyis; Reduces Friction; Hyaline Cartilage
Outside Covering of Diaphysis; Fibrous CT Membrane
Sharpay's Fibers
Secure Periosteum to Underlying Bone
Medullary Cavity
Cavity of Shaft; Yellow (Fat) Marrow in Adults
Supply Bone Cells with Nutrients
Compact Bone
Outer Layer of Bone Along Diaphysis; Highly Packed with Bone
Spongy Bone
Small Needle-like Pieces of Bone in Pattern (Trabeculae)
Microscopic Anatomy of Compact Bone Tissue
Cavities Containing Bone Cells (Osteocytes)
Perforating Canal (Volkman's)
Canal Perpendicular to Central Canal; Carries Blood Vessels & Nerves
Rings Around Central Canal; Sites of Lacunae
Central Canal (Haversion)
Carries Blood Vessels & Nerves
Tiny Canals Radiating From Lacunae
Osteon (Haversion System)
Bone Unit
Movements Allowed by Synovial Joints
Ball-and-Socket Joint
Spherical Head into Round Socket, Movement in Any Plane
Saddle Joint
Concave Convex Areas
Condyloid Joint
Egg-Shaped in Oval Concavity, Side-to-Side Movement
Pivot Joint
Ring, Rotational Movement
Hinge Joint
Angular Movement in 1 Plane
Plane Joint
Flat; Short Slipping & Gliding
Types of Bones
Irregular Bones (Various Shapes; Don't Fit In Any Other
Flat Bones (Thing & Flattened; Usually Curved)
Short Bones (Cube-Shaped)
Long Bones (Longer Than Wide; Shaft With Heads at Both Ends)
Bone Fracture Repair
Fibrocartilage Callus (Mass of Repair Tissue Forms Splint to Close Gap In
Hematoma (Blood-Filled Swelling Caused by Broken Blood Vessels, Deprives Bone Cells of Nutrients & Die
Body Callus (Replaces Fibrocartilage Callus By Actions of Osteoblast & Osteoclasts, Remodeled to From Permanant Patch)
Reduction (Bone Set, Realigned, Immobilized by Cast/Traction
Freely Moveable
Synarthroses/Fibrous (Ex: Suture)
Slightly Moveable
Amphiarthroses/Cartilagnious (Ex; Pubic Symphysis)
Bone Thinning Disease (Makes Bones Fragile)
Ligaments/Tendons (Reinforming Joints Torn/Stretched)
Inflammatory Condition of Joints
Bursitis (From Blow/Friction)
Tendonitis (Tendon Sheets)
Arthritis (Joints Disease)
Osteoarthritsi (Normal Aging Processes, Physical Trauma, Repetitive Motion)
Rheumatiod Arthritis (Autoimmune Disease)
Gouty Arthritis (Depostion of Urate Crystals From Blood)
Appendicular Skeleton
Pectoral Girdle
Scapula (Shoulder Blade) (Attaches Upper Limb to Back of Shoulder by Muscle)
Clavicle (Collarbone) (Attaches Upper Limb to Sternum (Breast Bone); Only Bone Attachement for Upper Limb)
Pelvic Girdle
Coxal Bone (HIp; 2) (Composed of 3 Fused Bones)
Ischium ("Sit-Down Bone")
Pubis (Anterior Portion)
Ilium (Lateral Portion; Forms Majority of Bone)
Bones of Upper Limb
Humerus (Arm) (Attached to Scapula Proximally & Ulna Distally)
Foreman (Ulna (Medially; Attached to Wrist Bones on Pinky Finger Side) & Radius (Laterally; Attached to Wrist Bones on Thumb Side)
Bones of Lower Limb
Thigh (Femur (Attached to Coxal Proximally; Attached to Tibia Distally))
Leg (Tibia (Shin Bone Attached Medially (Big Toe) to Tarsal Bone (Ankle); Weight-Bearing Bone) & Fibula (Lateral (Little Toe); Not Weight-Bearing))
Carpals (Wrist Bones)
Metacarpals (Bones of Palm of Hand)
Phalanges (FInger Bones)
Tarsals (Ankles)
Metatarsals (Bones of Sole of Foot)
Phalanges (Toes)
Calcaneus (Heel)
Talus (Superior to Calcaneus; Tibia Rests on Top)
Axial Skeleton
Ribs (Connects with Thoracic Vertebrae & Sternum to From Rib Cage)
Falso Ribs (Next 5 Pairs; Indirectly to Sternum)
Floating Ribs (Last 2 Pairs Has No Sternal Attachments)
True Ribs - First 7 Pairs; Attached Directly to Sternum by Costal Cartilage)
Thoracic (T1-T12) (Upper Back)
Lumbar (L1-L5) (Lower Back)
Cervical (C1-C7) (Neck): C1-Atlas, C2-Axis
Sacrum (5 Fused) (Small of Back; Between Coxal Bones)
Coccyx (4 Fused) (Tail Bone)
Sutures (Joins Cranial Bones)
Sagittal (Between 2 Parietal Bones)
Lambdoidal (Between Occipital & Parietal Bones)
Coronal (Between Frontal & Parietal Bones)
Squamous (Between Parietal Bones)
Cranium (Enclose & Protects Fragile Brain Tissue)
Occipital (Back of Head)
Temporal (Above Ears)
Sphenoid (Forms Skull Floor)
Parietal (Top Sides)
Ethmoid (Forms Nasal Cavity Roof & Medial Portion of Orbital)
Frontal (Forehead)
Hyoid (Attachment for Tongue Muscle)
Vomer (Midline of Nasal Cavity)
Inferior Conchae (Wall of Nasal Cavity)
Lacrimal (Medial of Eye Socket)
Palatine (Together with Maxilla Forms; Hard Palate (Mouth Roof))
Nasal (Nose)
Zygomatic (Cheek Bone)
Mandible (Lower Jaw)
Maxilla (Upper Jaw)
Lighter, Thinner, Wider, Shorter, Ilia Falres Out More, >90*, Larger, More Circular, Sacrum Shorter, Less Curved, Ischial SPine Shorter & Farther Apart, Outlet Larger
Heavier, Thicker, Taller, Ilia Higher, <90*, Shorter, Sacrum Larger & More Cuvred, Ischial Spine Larger
Bone Remodeling
Bone Continually Being Broken Down & Changed (Refomed) in Shape
Balance Between Actions of Osteoclasts & Oseoblasts