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Literature and Topics Overview (Driver behaviour (Naturalistic driving…
Literature and Topics Overview
Pedestrian intention and behavior
classic scenario
NO Signal (Jaywalk / mid-block)
Gap Acceptance
Gap acceptance by pedestrians (Harrell, 1992)
Pedestrian gap acceptance (DiPietro, 1970)
time to cross
perception of arrival time
Step frequency (Tian, 2013)
Signal controlled
Factors influenicing pedestrian cautiousness
(Harrell 1991)
Crosswalks / Zebra crossing
Analyzing and predicting movements of pedestrians approaching crosswalks (Völz, 2016)
Drivers' speed behaviour (Varhelyi, 1998)
gender differences in pedestrian behaviors (Tom, 2011)
effect of elements of religiosity and faith on pedestrian behavior (and age and gender) (Rosenbloom, 2004)
intention-aware motion planning (IAMP) problem (Bandyopadhyay, 2013)
estimation of vehicle speed and stopping distance (Sun, 2015)
crossing factors
(marked but unsignaled crossings) (Sucha, 2017)
pedestrians wait/go behavior
car speed
distance of the car from the crossing
traffic density
whether cars approaching from both directions
signs given by the driver
eye contact
waving hands
flashing lights
presence of other pedestrians
drivers' yield/go behavior
traffic density
number of pedestrians waiting to cross
pedestrians being distracted
pedestrian behavior at various urban crosswalks and perceptions toward various pedestrian facilities (sisiopiku, 2003)
signalized intersection crosswalks
unsignalized intersection crosswalks
unsignalized marked crosswalks
physical barriers
midblock crosswalk shelters
colored paving
pedestrian warning signs at midblock crossing locations
non-striped midblock crosswalks
detection of pedestrian crossing intention (Schneemann, 2016)
Recognising the action intentions of humans (Schmidt, 2009)
Early detection of the pedestrian’s intention to cross the street (Köhler, 2012)
Agreeing to Cross: How Drivers and Pedestrians communicate (Rasouli 2017)
Stereo-Vision-Based Pedestrian’s Intention Detection in a Moving Vehicle
(Köhler, 2015)
impact of aggressive driving on trust (Jayaraman, 2018)
Walk or wait? an empirical analysis of street crossing decisions.(Das, 2005)
Crossing at a red light: Behaviour of individuals and groups (Rosenbloom, 2009)
"Pedestrians, autonomous vehicles, and cities" - Millard-Ball 2016
Are they going to cross? ( Rasouli 2017)
To cross or not to cross: The effect of locomotion on street-crossing behavior. (Oudejans, 1996)
Pedestrian choice and judgment (Moore, 1953)
The risk taken in crossing a road.(Cohen, 1955)
Behavioural issues in pedestrian speed choice and street crossing behaviour (Ishaque, 2008)
Understanding pedestrian behavior in complex traffic Scenes (Rasouli 2018)
Precautionary street crossing by elderly pedestrians (Harrell, 1991)
Analysis of pedestrians’ behavior at pedestrian crossings (Hamed, 2001)
Analysis on termination of pedestrians' gait at urban intersections (Goldhammer, 2014)
Feature relevance estimation for learning pedestrian behavior at crosswalks (B. Völz 2015)
A study of pedestrian risk in crossing busy roads in four towns. (Jacobs, 1967)
Driver behaviour in intersections: Formal and informal traffic rules (Björklund 2005)
Modeling of motorist-pedestrian interaction at uncontrolled mid-block crosswalks. (Sun, 2012)
Behavior in traffic conflict situations (Risser, 1985)
Modeling social behavior for multi-target tracking (Pellegrini, 2009)
The effect of age, gender and driver status on pedestrians' intentions to cross the road in risky situations (Holland, 2007)
From V2X to Control2Trust (Schmidt 2015)
generel factors
Status factors in pedestrian violation of traffic signals (Lefkowitz, 1955)
Did you see the unicycling clown? Inattentional blindness while walking and talking on a cell phone (Hyman, 2010)
autonomous scenario
Crossing the road in the world of autonomous cars
(Siripanich, 2017)
Interaction between pedestrians and automated vehicles: A Wizard of Oz experiment (Palmeiro, 2018)
Evaluating Interactions with Non-existing Automated Vehicles: Three Wizard of Oz Approaches * (Habibovic 2016)
Joint attention in autonomous driving (JAAD) (Kotseruba, 2016)
Intention-aware online POMDP planning for autonomous driving in a crowd (Bai, 2015)
Looking at humans in the age of self-driving and highly automated vehicles (Ohn-Bar, 2016)
path prediction
Path prediction (Quintero, 2014)
Pedestrian path prediction with recursive bayesian filters (Schneider, 2013)
Trajectory Analysis and Prediction for Improved Pedestrian Safety: Integrated Framework and Evaluations
(Mogelmose, 2015)
Pedestrian intention prediction based on dynamic fuzzy automata for vehicle driving at nighttime (Kwak, 2017)
Analysis of pedestrian dynamics from a vehicle perspective (Kooij, 2014)
Context-based pedestrian path prediction (Kooij, 2014)
Early prediction of a pedestrian's trajectory at intersections (Goldhammer, 2013)
Intention-aware multiple pedestrian tracking (Madrigal, 2014)
Understanding pedestrians' road crossing decisions: an application of the theory of planned behaviour (Evans, 1998)
Pedestrian behavior analysis using 110-car naturalistic driving data in USA (Yingzi, 2017)
Pedestrian detection
Pedestrian detection: A benchmark (Dollar, 2009)
Driver behaviour
Naturalistic driving studies
An overview of the 100-car naturalistic study and findings (Neale, 2005)
near crashes
other critical incidents
driver performance
severe fatigue
judgement error
risk taking
willingness to engage in secondary tasks
agressive driving
traffic violations
driving context
inexperience (Underwood, 2007)
data classification
pre-event maneuver
precipitating factor
event type
contributing factors
avoidance maneuver
vehicle speed
vehicle headway
driver reaction time
UDRIVE: The European naturalistic driving study (Eenink, 2014)
Vision meets robotics: The KITTI dataset (Geiger, 2013)
Overtaking bicycles
conditionally autonomous driving
Driver behavior impact on pedestrians' crossing experience in the conditionally autonomous driving context (Yang, 2017)
A pilot study of driver turning behavior with application to pedestrian obscuration by A-pillars (Reed, 2008)
Multi-sensor system for driver's hand-gesture recognition (Molchanov, 2015)
Estimating Driver Unawareness of Pedestrian Based On Visual Behaviors and Driving Behaviors
(Phan, 2013)
pedestrian protection
Autonomous evasive maneuvers triggered by infrastructure-based detection of pedestrian intentions (Köhler, 2013)
The relationship between crash rates and drivers’ hazard assessments using the connecticut photolog (Price, 2000)
Visual attention while driving (Underwood, 2003)
Head, eye, and hand patterns for driver activity recognition (Ohn-Bar, 2014)
Pedestrian-Driver interaction HMI
Output Devices
(Patent US 2015/0336502 A1 N 26 2015); (Schieben, 2017)
display devices
Display on ground or Other Surface
Display on vehicle
AVIP - Autonomous vehicles´ interaction with pedestrians
(Lagstrom, 2015)
Evaluation of vehicle-to-pedestrian communication displays for autonomous vehicles (Clamann, 2017)
mechanically actuated devices
Anthropomorphic device
light bar (Shutko 2017/2018)
Active driving mode
Schieben, 2017
vehicle driving mode
information about AVs maneuvres
information about AVs perceptions of the environment
information about AVs cooperation capabilities
core areas
placement on vehicle
color of the signals
text not suitable since there are thousands of languages globally
car telling what it is doing instead of telling pedestrians and other drivers what to do is intuitive
regulators restrict colors, so white and amber is best option
design options (Schieben, 2017)
vehicle shape
vehicle maneuvres
external HMI
Patent US 9.421,909 B2
communication for pedestrian warning on the basis of autonomous vehicles -Hussein 2016
"When vehicles see pedestrians with phones" - Rangesh 2018
Communicating awareness and intent in autonomous vehicle-pedestrian interaction (Mahadevan, 2018)
LED strip
Argo AI (Ford)
Animated Face
phone haptic
Hybrid city lighting-improving pedestrians’ safety through proactive street lighting (A. Sieß 2015)
Movement Guesture
Vehicle Speed ( Malte Risto 2017)
Vehicle Movement
Human-Vehicle Interfaces: The Power of Vehicle Movement Gestures in Human Road User Coordination (Risto, 2017)
Zimmermann 2017 First Step into Visceral Interaction with autonomous vehicles
Augenkontakt / Gesichtsausdruck
Analysis of the Influence of Pedestrians’ eye Contact on Drivers’ Comfort Boundary During the Crossing Conflict (Ren, 2016)
A pedestrian’s stare and drivers’ stopping behavior: A field experiment at the pedestrian crossing (Gueguen, 2015)
Eyes on a car: An interface design for communication between an autonomous car and a pedestrian (Chang 2017)
Gesten (Körperbewegung)
Conventionalized gestures for the interaction of people in traffic with autonomous vehicles (Gupta, 2016)
Vehicle Size (Wilhelm K. Klatt 2017)
Nonverbal communication of relative intentions (Shor, 1964)
low Speed behaviour: Explicit necessary
high Speed: implicit eg. letting someone slipping into a gap by making space
(Sorokin, 2017)
The right moment for braking as informal communication signal between automated vehicles and pedestrians in crossing situations (Beggiato, 2017)
Designing biomimetic vehicle-to-pedestrian communication protocols for autonomously operating & parking on-road electric vehicles (Pennycooke, 2012)
ISAL 2017 Proceedings
How Digitalization and Automated Driving will revolutionize Automotive Lighting (Berlitz, 2017)
classical communication
making eye contact
head nodding
give hand signs
regulation / standardization
Working Group AK1
Task Force automated driving
New HMIs
sound or speech
on the road
"Digital Light Visual Communication and Perception" (Bogdanow 2017)
dry Street
wet Street
on the windshield
LED display
on the roof
in the front grill
on the hood
on the doors
on the windshield
LED light strips
around the vehicle
in the front or in the rear (similar to CHMSL)
portable or wearable devices
activity tracker
smart watches
smart glasses
environmental brightness
viewing angle
weather conditions
signal noise
several persons
low complexity
unambigious and clear meaning
lighting technologies
High Definition Projection Systems
Matrix Laser Technology (RGB Laser and MEMS)
AUDI e-tron Sportback concept
Digital matrix light
Matrix communication lights
OLED displays
AUDI "The swarm"
A new traffic participant and its language. (Sorokin 2017)
impicit communication
high Speed Szenarios
driving behaviour (vehicle movement)
explicit communication
low Speed Szenarios (urban)
eye contact
VR Study with external HMI
Projection on street
(-) Physical limitaitons:
bad visability due to external factors (weather /Street conditon)
(+) rich in Information
(+) clearly adressed message
(+) projection into field of Vision
AV2V communucation via
projection of symbols in 4
diffefent traffic szenarios
2 more items...
investigating the visualibility
of projected symbos
1 more item...
Icon in windshield
light ring around the windshield
Optical Car-to-Human Communication for Automated Vehicles. (Willrodt 2017
intuitive communication
via light Emission
Study: Traffic scenarios with
different colours as signals
common understanding: Stop
common understanding: continue
can´t be used for communication
can´t be used for communication
requirements/ Design of
a signalling Lamp
where Driver would communicate
non- verbally
car size
visability for others
only visable to adressed object
Technical Solutions
light source
adressing element
LED Array
wide angle lens
Output optics
Image forming
non- Image- forming
New Signals for Communication and Marking of Automated Driving Systems (ADS) 2017
overview of available studies
interactions of VRU to AV
Blau (2015)
Hagenzieker et al. 2016
Lundgren 2015
Malmsten Lundgren et al 2017
Habibovic et al 2016
Rodriguez et al 2016
Rothenbücher et al 2016
communication needs in interaction with AV
Clamann et al. 2016
Lundgren 2015
Merat et al 2016
National Governmental Guidelines
Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
US the Department of Transportation
Suggested Communication/Messages
US-NHTSA Federal Automated Vehicles Policy
Germany- Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure
Three strategies for autonomous car-to-pedestrian communication (Mirnig, 2017)
Machine-like autonomous V2P communication
Anthropomorphic autonomous V2P communication
Social robot proxy-to-pedestrian communication
Road users’ strategies and communication: driver-pedestrian interaction (Sucha, 2014)
Focus group with pedestrians and drivers, means of communication
flashing with lights
waving with hands
eye contact
Intent communication between autonomous vehicles and pedestrians (Matthews, 2017)
LED Word Display
Strobe Lights
Communication and Communication Problems Between Autonomous Vehicles and Human Drivers (Färber, 2016)
Pedestrian notification methods in autonomous vehicles for multi-class mobility-on-demand service (Florentine, 2016)
crash / collision
Driver inattention: A contributing factor to crashes and near-crashes (Klauer, 2005)
An experimental methodology for analysis of child pedestrian behavior (Heimstra, 1969)
Estimation of collision risk for improving driver's safety (Hariyono, 2016)
Autonomous Cars
On the problem of making autonomous vehicles conform to traffic law (Prakken, 2017)
Impact of connected vehicles and autonomous vehicles on future transportation (Lin, 2016)
Autonomous vehicles: Pedestrian heaven or pedestrian hell? (Meeder, 2017)
interaction-aware maneuver (Bahram, 2016)
The social behavior of autonomous vehicles (Müller, 2016)
Act like a human: Teach an autonomous vehicle to deal with traffic encounters (Wang, 2018)
Basics of Autonomous Vehicles (Kala, 2016)
Perceptions of autonomous vehicles: Relationships with road users, risk, gender and age (Hulse, 2018)
Development and validation of a questionnaire to assess pedestrian receptivity toward fully autonomous vehicles (Deb, 2017)
cooperative autonomous driving
Enhancements of V2X communication in support of cooperative autonomous driving (Hobert, 2015)