Signposts of the Soul
Commemoration of the Dead

Textual support

The Display


Inscriptions to support the visual

Cadaver - look same - so for effect not accuracy / naked

Christian Doctrine

The Effigy


Wills - and contracts obsessing

picture book in stone

Immutable, permanent

Same as Church

Presentation curated

Surrounding symbols - crucifix / legs cross

Mutuality-living and dead

Seamless progressions / Temporal

Couples w 1 alive

Arch fish who prepared tomb in advance and viewed


Transpor logistics

Highly emotive environemnt

Alive or Dead?

Rise in literacy

Prime Locations, in church near altar

Who speaks? the effigy, trans or 3rd party / image of corpse speaking

What changed, what stayed same - tomb chest

In advance of death

Soul has left already (windows open)

Destiny of Soul

Concept of Self - Body & Soul

Concept of Purgatory


Dead inside the church / and visually in an object

vs tradition - dead are separate

Chantry - one good turn deserves another



Alabaster Tomb

By def. Elite

Thesis and sequence

Inability to illustrate a soul

Badges & heraldry - Status, links and parallels - semiology

On A chest

Not a likeness, more a signpost

Stylised, templates, standard configuration (on back, hands, feet)

Costume, earthy status, a last statement of indentity on earth, symbols rather than personal bio.

No realism/ feet fall, etc


Value in the remains / moving them / division

Horizontal v Vert - eyes, drapes, feet

Active - dying or dead?

Transi - momento mori

Gender - who should be remembered

Mix M&F



Mnemonics and symbol

Competition for prayers - many dead, need for stand out

Death is a common experience across generations


Cf modern lying in state / Arthetha shoes