German Judiciary



State courts

Federal courts

click to edit

Highest court

Supreme Court

5 categories

Social security law

Labour law

Administrative law

Tax law

General jurisdiction

Federal Constitutional Court

Specialised judicial body

task to uphold the Basic Law

Each topic has both State and Federal level



selected by the competent federal minister

together with a judicial selections committee

Art. 95 (2)


non-renewable terms of 12 y

max age 68


Appointment is determined by the State where the courts are located

The Judiciary

EU Law

Constitutional review

To review what

Who has the competence

Court system

International treaties



Act of public authority


2. Admonitory decision

Statute is unconstitutional but NOT VOID

Still remains in force

Statute is constitutional now but it will become unconstitutional in the near future

3. Annulment of a statute

Statute is quashed and cease to exists

Retroactive effect

LIMITED to criminal provision, NOTE: retrials


1. Constitution-friendly interpretation


Concrete review

All ordinary courts have power to EXAMINE

Must freeze the process and sent a PRELIMINARY QUESTION

Up to FCC to rule on the constitutionality question

Art. 100 (1)

Constitutional complaint procedure

an INDIVIDUAL can claim an infringement on enumerated constitutional rights by public authority

FCC jurisdiction not limited to statutes but extended to any act of public authority

Art 94 (2)

Exhaustion of all ordinary judicial remedies before

Case law specification

Applicants must demonstrate a direct and concrete injury as a result of the contested measure in order to be admissible

Art. 93 (1)(4a)

Abstract review

Art 93 (2)

FCC can be seized by the federal government, a State government or 1/4 of Bundestag members, to rule on the constitutionality of a statute

This can be triggered at ANY TIME

There's only an applicant but no defendant


Dualist system

treaties must be transformed into domestic law

Treaties do not override legislation


Can be invoked indirectly

Basic Law & enforceable human rights

Take into account EHCR ruling

National judges & FCC interpretation in EHCR-friendly manner

See EHCR rights as principles

to invoke the ECHR as overriding lex specialised

EHCR is integrated into German law

Principles of IL do override legislation


Solange I -case


German constitutional provisions would prevailer European law as long as the Community did not remove the hypothetical conflicts of norms

Solange II -case


FCCwould refrain from constitutional review of European law as long as the Community kept the human rights standards that it had developed in the meantime

Maastricht -case


FCC reserves the right to review EU law, recalls the paramount position of the constituent MS in the treaty based union

FCC warned: it would invalidate EU decisions that are based on unlawfully arrogated powers

Lisbon judgement


FCC prescribed prior approval from the German legislature for each dynamic expansion of powers as if it were a proper treaty amendment