Plot: Odysseus tells the Phaeacians who he is and begins to recount his story. He and his men were blown off course to the city of Ismarus, which they plunder until they are forced out, losing six men per ship in the process. A great storm then sends them to the land of the lotus eaters. Some of Odysseus's men are given the Lotus fruit and immediately lose all thoughts of home- Odysseus is forced to drag his men back to the ships. They then sail to the land of the Cyclopses, where they find a cave filled with sheep, milk, and cheese. Despite the worries of his crew, Odysseus chooses to linger. Eventually the Cyclopes Polyphemus returns to his cave, and despite acting like a gracious host at first, quickly changes to an enemy, eating two of Odysseus's men and imprisoning the rest for later meals. The next day, Odysseus comes up with a plan to blind Polyphemus, which he executes successfully. Odysseus an his men escape the cave by clinging to the bottom of sheep, and go unnoticed by the blind Polyphemus. While he and his crew sail away, Odysseus calls out to Polyphemus, revealing his true identity. Polyphemus prays to his father, Poseidon to take revenge on him.