Lucas falls asleep in class and when he wakes up, he can't tell if Mr.Matthews is concerned or infuriated. He thinks concerned. Mostly. He's pretty sure he would've preferred infuriated. There's a reluctant detention sentence and Lucas is sick to his stomach - this is the first detention he hasn't intentionally gotten. His friends offer to get themselves thrown in with him but Mr.Matthews shakes his head. "I've got this one, guys." That doesn't bode well for him - it's been a long time since he got an individualized lesson. Is it time again? It's a miracle he stays conscious long enough to even make it to detention. When he gets there, there's a pillow waiting. He's not even sure where Mr.Matthews got a pillow, but he's grateful. Up until he throws out the condition. No pillow until Lucas explains what's going on. Or, at least, until he promises that he's alright. It's not a promise he can make. It's not a question he can answer. But no one in the Matthew's family is cruel - if it gets any worse, Mr.Matthews won't have any choice but to step in. For now, though, he can be flexible. There's a pillow under Lucas' head and he's exhausted enough that for once, there is no dream. (When Lucas sees the pillow in Mr.Matthews' hand, he has to say it. "I hope you're not doing this for Riley, sir." "I am, a little. But not because I'm hoping she'll end up with you." "I know you're not." "Between you and me? I wouldn't mind if it was someone like you. "You're hoping she'll find someone like me - but not me, sir?" "I'm not hoping she'll find anyone! Not until she's 40. But if she has to, I hope it's someone like you. Someone who she can trust." "Between you and me, sir....I think she already has." There. That was the test. If Mr.Matthews' was okay with the idea of Riley and Maya, then maybe he'd be okay with Lucas getting a little confused. Not that Lucas was confused. He was just...hormonal. That was it. That's why his dreams had been so weird. Hormones. There was nothing to worry about, and there was nothing to worry Mr.Matthews' about. Still, Lucas' stomach knotted up when his teacher finally turned to him to answer. "You know, Mr.Friar....I think you might be right."