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of MICE and MEN (Happenings. (They run away from a big heard of men that…
of MICE and MEN
Lennie steals the puppies now and then. Curley's wife flirts with geoerge, and Curley gets mad at Lennie for laughaing and it bursts out a fight between them. Curley's hand get destroyed by Lennie and he has to go to the doctor.
George, Lennie and Candy decinde that they're gonna make the dream come true thogether. Candy has about 350dollars and is getting another 50. George and Lennie dont have that much but are getting their 50 soon. Its enough to by the ranch and start on their dream.
The puppy Lennine losves the most dies and he's sitting in the barn in the weed crying over it. Curley's wife enters the building. She talks to him, even tho Geogre said that Lennie was not allowwed to. They start to chat and Lennie talks about the farm and that he likes to touch soft things.
They jump on a trains and then they find a ranch called soledad and they apply for a job there. They get the jobs and live in a small house with Candy and two other men.
Lennie get to pet her hair, and once again lennine likes to tuch soft things so he keep on stroking it. She then says "Don't mess it up", yet lennie keeps going and she starts to freakout. She screams of fear and lennie grabs her and holds her so thight. He presses so hard that he ends up killing Curley's wife.
Lennie runs away in fear and shame. Candy finds her body, then he shows her to George and later the guys came and saw her. Curley is furious and he wants to kill lennie. They head out on their horses looking for Lennie.
George finds Leniine by the water where they firt run if too. They sit down and talk and Lennie asks George to tell their dream one last time. He starts telling the story, bit by bit and then pulls up a revolver and shoots Lennie in the back of his head.
George and lennie
He has someone to look after him. Protection, caring, food and other advatgaes Geprge gives him. He also speaks for lennie.
Geogre has less advantges in this realtionship than lennie. he has to take care of lennie, feed him and protect him. George can not live alone and get a job because of lennie. Therefore Lennie in this case have more advatages than george.
Other caracters:
Candy (old man)
The old man sweeps the floor in the bunkhouse, he only has one arm and he has a very old dog.
Curley's Wife
She's a snake. She's rude and bitchy, trying to get other people in trouble. Shes really flirty with George.
Curley (son of boss)
He's a rude guy, picky, selfconsious and gets easy mad. He's short and where once a welterweight boxer. He's a very very agressive guy. He likes to testify people on caouse of his strengt.
It was important for Curley to punch Lennie to shwo the guys that hes the boss. He sthe big guy. Beating the big guy seemed like a good/positiv influence on the guys (med tamke på) that Lennie was a huge man and, others would might be scared of him. All to prove that hes the strongest guy. It didnt go as well.
He's the owner of the ranch in soledad, balled, fat and strict.
He's rude and dont understand why George would travel with Lennie in the ifrt place. He thinks george is gonna take Lennies money. Use him
Notes beside:
He sees something specsial in things others dont. Those things we normaly woulnd put to much atention too.
Even tho Lennie fuck things up, George still takes care of him. He risk his life aswell.
House in pocket: Grown man crying over a mouse, emotiona level is not good.
Drinks water like an animal, in comperaed to George he dinks by his hands. Drinks in a different way.
Geogre's frustration. Hes angry cux he had to run away cause Lennis doings. He tell what his life would be without Lennie. Have a job, earn money, go to a cathouse etc. Thinking off femalecompanionship - but he's got Lennie.
Symbols: The cards, The clearing in the woods; Lennie and George’s farm; mice; Candy’s dog; the heron that plucks water snakes from the stream; Curley’s boots; Lennie’s puppy
There was no reason to put Lennie in a cage cuz that he would be un usefull. This is why George but him down. (He was no longer productive)
No value in farm animals that arent proudouctive. He was old, maybe a burden for det guys there.