South African Virginity Grant






Scholarship Programme


Opinion: they want an affordable college education

Gain: the government actually listening and giving scholarships and grants based on academic performance, and more of them

Lose: the ability to attend college based on increase in tuition prices with no ways to pay for them

Lose: their scholarship that they got for remaining abstinent

Opinion: they got the grant so they should be able to keep it

Gain: they can afford to go to college if they are able to keep their scholarship

Lose: their credibility as an academic funding programme

Opinion: they want the grant to remain in effect as it will help keep HIV/AIDS rates down

Gain: more students attending school because they can afford it now with their grant

Gain: credibility as a leader in the municipality

Lose: credibility as a leader in her municipality

Opinion: wants her grant to remain in effect as it will help girls stay academically focused

Opinion: believes that grant should be abolished since there's no correlation between a person's sex life and their education

Gain: a new community understanding of women defining themselves as their own person with their own rights to their own body

Lose: The awareness needed to retract outdated gender stereotypes

Bias: They're the ones who applied and received the questionable grant in the first place

Bias: they are jealous of the students who received the grant while they can't afford to go to school

Bias: they're the ones who created the grant in the first place

Bias: initially proposed the controversial grant to the scholarship programme

Bias: most activists come from various gender justice activist groups