1.2 Changes & Continuities In Family Functions

Other Functions


Contemporary society - Removed many functions of family need in pre-industrial society

Left family

2 Core/ Basic & Irreducible Function

Primary Socialization

Stabilization of Adult Personalities

Primary Socialization

Pre Industrial

Modern Industrial

Self Contained Unit

Performed by Family

Children - learn specific skills to do economic production / labour work.

Children - “Little Adults”

More Isolated, Fewer Connections to Society, Family Centered

Through parents, siblings,

Work as soon as they are physically able.

More open to society

Secondary Socialisation (media, school, and peers.)

Upper class

Compete w/ family

May be a stronger - Parents working outside home, less time to socialize children

Primary socialization - A way to manage children

Still strong - Children considered as investment. (e.g for the passing on of wealth, taking care of parents, etc.)

Emphasize - Establishing emotional attachment

Children - Learn more on norms, values, & skills to prepare to work in bigger society

Pre Industrial

Modern Industrial

Unit of production

Produce things for survival, comfort, leisure

Marriage - Ensure economic stabilization

Lower class

Subsistence farming; more members, easier distribution of labour.

Upper Class

Ensure wealth is consolidated / enhanced through arranged marriage.

Unit of consumption

Buying things v.s producing

Marriage - Ensure emotional stabilization

2 basic & irreducible function

Stabilization of adult personalities

Family - Particularistic values

How people treat others based on their particular relationship

V.S Universalistic values

Values apply to everyone regardless of their situation, e.g everyone is treated equally by law

Empty Shell Marriage

Couple still stay together for other reasons than love


Willmott & Young (1973)

Peripheral Functions

Modern Industrial

Pre Industrial


Home & workplace - separated

Men moved to paid work outside home

Women become domestic labourers & childcarer

Stable structure


Beginning of Industrialism

20th Century - Joint conjugal relationships (Roles Shared Equally)

Men & women work together inside & outside home.

Women - not simply domestic labour

Functions taken over by other institution

Pre Industrial

Modern Industrial

Sole responsibility for physical & emotional survival (education,healthcare, etc.)

Taken over by institutions


School System


Doctors, nurses

Recreation & Leisure

Pre Industrial- Focused in home

Modern - Pursued outside home

Functions - Not completely lost, only modified

Modified - Non critical illnesses & long term care of elders

Middle class families - Actively involved in children's education

Modified - In home through videogames, handphone, etc. Individualised

Family may no longer share activity.