The Tale of Riley Blake and the Mysterious Secret
Riley is a princess and she is very brave
- Riley goes to the pool and she drowneds and so she want to go back in the pool and see what happens
- she finally goes out side and try's swimmming agian and she finds out she is a mermaid
how describe for book
maid up creatures
Ben is shy and dark and nobody now that
much about him
Sunshine is happy,and shiny
Gassy very gassy
mermaid hunters
- she runs away to her castle and see her family till Gassy, Sunshine, and Ben come and she gets really mad until the hunters start hunting
were it takes place
mermaid acadamy
4.Riley gets really mad and runs away from them
grandparent house
hunters are very dangerous
parents are kind
Sea monster that wants to kill Riley
- In chapter 3 she is scared when she got kidnapped so Gassy grounded her and took her back to her grandparents house and a sea monster meets her there and she runs from it then when Gassy comes back to the grandparents house she is not here and the sea monster took her the hunters place were her parents are but is the gobilin nice or not
lake or ocean
Maia Leogo very evil and strong
Micheala Emeberistic gets emberist
Riley goes to her parents
The goblins were not very nice and tryed to eat her but she was a mermaid she could not get a way