Where are technology standards found?

ISTE Standards for Teachers 2008

ISTE Standards for Students 2016

Learning and Technology Policy Framework (LTPF)

ICT Program of Studies

  1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity (student centered work)

    Connection: ISTE 2016 #1

  1. Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments (try to move away from traditional pen and paper assessments)
    Connection: ISTE 2016 #5,6,7
  1. Model Digital Age Work and Learning (teachers should model the skills on how to use digital tools)
    Connection: ISTE 2016 #2
  1. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility (teach students how to be safe online , and proper online etiquette)

Connection: ISTE 2016 #2

  1. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership (teachers should constantly be looking to improve their understanding of technology in the educational field)

Connection: LTPF #3

  1. Empower Learner (technology should be student centered, focusing on personal growth)
  1. Digital Citizen (teach students safe habits on the internet, and how to properly access resources)
  1. Knowledge Constructor (can students locate information on the web, and can they evaluate their accuracy)
  1. Innovative Designer (can students select the right digital tools to generate ideas)
  1. Computational Thinker (Can students solve problems using technology)
    Connection: ISTE 2008 #2
  1. Global Collaborator (Can students use technology to work together on a project)
    Connection ISTE 2008 #2
  1. Creative Communicator (Can students clearly communicate using an array of technology, and digital media)

Connection: ICT #1, ISTE 2008 # 2

  1. Student Centered Learning (can students access knowledge, and apply their own thought to it

Connection: ISTE 2008 #1, ISTE 2016 # 1

  1. Research and Innovation (to stay up to date on current educational technology)
    Connection: ISTE #5
  1. Professional Learning (insures that teachers and administrators are up to date on current technology advancements in the educational field)

Connection: ISTE 2008 #5

  1. Leadership (teachers and administrators should use technology innovatively)
  1. Access, Infrastructure and Digital Learning Environments (access to technology or devices to support a digital learning environment)

A Way of Doing Things (ICT curriculum is designed with three interrelated categories: Communication, foundational operation, and processes for productivity)

Connection ISTE 2016 #6

ICT Curriculum (there are outlined outcomes; general, and specific; of what is supposed to happen when technology is infused in a class)

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) curriculum is designed to be infused within core courses and programs

Curriculum Outcomes (the ICT curriculum has been broken up into four divisions, separated into a range of grade levels. Each division has different outcomes, as it should because grade one understanding of technology will be vastly different of a grade twelves)

French Immersion (These outcomes are supposed to be achieved in French should the course be taught in French)

Software Tools (The ICT outlines appropriate computer tools, ranging from email to multi media applications)