Islam: Katie Sardonia, Camden Jolly
Islam: Katie Sardonia, Camden Jolly
Five Pillars
Pray: Five times daily toward Mecca
Give: alms to less fortunate
Fast: between dawn and sunset during Ramadan ("holy Month")
Statement of Faith: "There is no god but Allah"
Perform the Hajj: Pilgramage to Mecca; at least once in a Muslim's life
History Of Islam
Muhammad: At age forty, Muhammad experiences a life changing event in which he hears the angel Gabriel and he convinces Muhammad that he is the last prophet. Therefore, Muhammed devotes his life to exploring his calling, and from this, he founded Islam.
Beliefs and Practices
There is a important monument in Jerusalem:"Dome of the Rock"
Monothesistic:only one god (Allah)
Mecca: Muslims come to worship the Kaaba,which is filled 360 idols. Abraham is the connection between the shrine. Some have a specific belief in monothesism.
Hijah: Muhammad's followers get attacked, which causes the Hijah to move two hundred miles north, to Medina. While he was there, Muhammad gains new followers.To control the growing religion, political, religious, and military leaders were put into place-political to control the relations between the Jews, Christians, and Muslims.
Sunni/Shia split
Shia: "party" of Ali- Caliph needed to be descendent of Muhammad
Sunni: followers of Muhammad's
Muhammad rose to heaven
People are responsible for their own actions
Focused on interior space as opposed to exterior
In a Muslim house the dwelling units surround an inner courtyard
The courtyard houses are often clustered together for extended families
Beliefs and practices picture:
Five Pillars picture:
Architecture picture:
History picture: