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Hopewell Holdings (CEPA: Electric Power (1979: building hotel; threatened…
Hopewell Holdings (CEPA: Electric Power, 96, Completed East Superhighway; continuing to West; 61,700 vehicles/day, 1990 BERTS Concession awarded by Thai Ministry of Transport & State Railway of Thailand by public bidding, Phase 1: scheduled completion - mid-98. HK$24B., Could it be completed at a profit?, Wu, Early 97, Stock HK$2.10/share vs book value @ $6 or $7, 94, First leg completed of Guangzhou-Shenzen-Zhuhai Superhighway Project, 1997, Wu claimed he'd not recvd cancellation notice, 97ish, Wu states plan to build mega tower hotel in HK, Is export success enough for shareholders?, CEPA listed HKSE Dec 93, 96, Completed 102 KM Shunde Toll Road connecting to SuperHighway; 72,240 vehicles/day, 98, Completed Ring Road connecting SuperHighway. 39 KM, Sir Gordon Wu, Founder and Chairman, 96, Signed agreement for US$412.2M expressway with PNCC & Luzon Tollroad Project. Run from 97-2000, 95, Cost overrun GSZ Hwy of US$718M, 96, sold 2.5% of GSZ for US$125M; Valuation of US$6B)