Evan Francis Mao's Web of Promises
Sister (Fern)🎉
She cares for me when I am sick
She works to help pay for my Moreau Tuition
She wakes up early in the morning to drop me off at 0 period
She buys me treats when I am sad
She sacrifices her free time to watch my football and volleyball games
She drives me to all my practices
She helps fix my bed in the morning when I forget
He works extremely hard to pay for my tuition
He gets up early and makes my lunches in the morning
He wakes up early to drive me to 0 period
He buys me food if I am ever still hungry.
He always helps me out when I am in a time of trouble
He always offers me help when I am stressed
He always keeps his promise to me
She always eventually apologizes to me after she yells at me
She always checks in on me when I have heavy work loads
He always trusts me when I go out with friends
He leaves work early to watch my volleyball games and football games
She sacrifices her free time to go to my practices and games
She makes me dinner when I come home late
She does extra chores when I am overloaded with work
She helps fold my clothes
She always gives me hugs when I am distressed
He always does his best to answer my prayers
He is always there to listen to my prayers
He watches over me during my stressful times
She always listens to me when I need to vent
She always answers my calls
She gives me hugs when I feel depressed
He gives me updates on my relatives in heaven
He sends me signals to know his presence is near.
She never tells my secrets
She never puts me down if I do something bad, she just encourages me to do better
Auntie Marie🖊
She sacrifices hard owned money to support all raffles
She is aways there to pick me up if i need a ride
She buys me lots of gifts and goods
She texts me at least once a week to see how I am doing
She tries to attend as many games to support me in my athletics