Technology Standards for Education
Mary Marshall
⭐ISTE Standards for Teachers⭐
⭐ICT Program of Studies⭐
ICT outcomes are designed around:
1)Communicating, Inquiring , Decision Making and Problem solving
2)Foundational Operations, Knowledge and
3)Concepts and Process for Productivity- right tool for the right job. As seen in "inspiring education" I believe these outcomes will lead to students being: ethical citizens that are engaged thinkers with an entrepreneurial spirit
The ICT curriculum is not to stand alone- it is to be infused within core courses and programs similar to other frameworks; must be looked at as the whole picture focusing on end goals #
Model Digital Age Work and Learning Teachers conduct themselves as the ideal digital citizen- they demonstrate language to use, citations to apply and appropriate content to access. They utilize tools properly and innovate with students and peers to continuously support researching and learning for future students and teachers #
Design and Develop Digital Age Learning Experiences and Assessments Teachers develop learning experiences utilizing digital tools, based on individual inquiries, a student based approach- they teach lessons and use tools that the students are interested in
Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning Creativity Teachers use their digital competency to foster an environment for students to investigate the real world while utilizing technological and face-to-face communicative skills. It is through this trial and error the policy has been formed and mandated. #
Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership Teachers live up to their pedagogical expectations by continuously learning how to utilize technology though courses and engagement in innovative professional practice to further policy direction.
⭐ISTE Standards for Students⭐
Empowered Learner- enables students to become the center of their own learning through setting personal goals, building their own e- environments, seeking feedback through other users and fundamentally understand how to use technology in different arenas of their eduction- actively demonstrating the three E's- entrepreneurial, engaged, and ethical. #
Digital Citizen -students develop an understanding of how their identity online impacts other users, their own reputation, future learning and their personal privacy. They understand that they leave a trail everywhere they connect and that it cannot ever truly be erased. If you don't want anyone to see it; don't do it.
Knowledge Constructor -students can differentiate what they see on the web through effective research capabilities, sufficient evaluation, can collect pertinent artifacts, and build their own knowledge and opinions on real world issues with this gained information.
Innovative Designer students can design , test and solve their own problems by first creating solutions through use of different tools.They may also carry out the design and find solutions using again, different tools #
Creative Communicator Student can captivate intended audiences by sharing their complex ideas clearly though creating original works or utilizing existing works in new landscapes on platforms that they find desirable. They know how to speak to different audiences on different platforms professionally or academically
Content of the ICT curriculum includes: general outcomes, specific outcomes, illustrative examples and assessment framework. The ICT curriculum is looking at the whole picture of technology in the classroom and compartmentalizes it for simple understanding and application within practical settings
Appropriate computer- based software tools are: word processing, database, spreadsheet, draw/paint/graphics applications, internet browser , email, multimedia applications , clipart/media clips. Utilizing these tools allows students to create and develop their own skills in a vast technological landscape that will set them up for long term success
The ICT Program of Studies is broken down by divisions, as you search your division you can see in a user friendly way, what you are to teach in terms of technology #
⭐Learning and Technology Policy Framework⭐
The outcomes of all the policies are directed towards ; Students, Teachers, Administrators, education professionals/ leaders and Alberta's education system as a whole . There is no person left out of the desires outcomes; they are implemented to change the landscape for all involved for the betterment of future education participants
The actions of each policy are directed towards School Authorities and the Ministry of Education so they may establish and achieve a vision for k-12 learners that is progressive in the technology sphere
Most focus of this framework is placed on Student- Centered Learning- that allows for personalized, tangible, authentic learning for all students . This focus is the epitome of student-centered learning, at the heart of all frameworks. We are changing the digital landscape in schools for them, so they may change the world.
The actions and outcomes from each of the five policy directions are interdependent and all need to be facilitated to the same by all parties involved
Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility Teachers understand what it takes to develop responsible digital citizens. Teachers employ ethical and safe use, diverse needs, and cultural understanding for communicating with diverse users. #