Yosemite Infographic

Preserving the Parks

The National Park Service is celebrating 100 years. Take a look at how we're focused on helping protect Yosemite National Park for the next 100 and beyond

Learn about the initiative we've joined to divert waste at Yosemite National Park

Zero Landfill Iniative

diverting waste from landfills

making reductions that make a difference

See where we've made an impact

eliminate landfill waste

divert 80% from landfills by the year 2020

748,036 acres

23 kitchens

1393 hotel rooms

16 f&b venues

we recycle 30 different types of materials

we have removed 186, 200 plastic bags by switching to compostable

Our goal is to recycle 100% of all plastics in Yosemite (225 tons of waste)

300 tons of recylcable organic waste


How Yosemite National Park Is Eliminating Landfill Waste

This Is Why You'll Only Find Compostable Shopping Bags at Yosemite National Park

Yosemite National Park is Tackling Trash with the Zero Landfill Initiative

How The Yosemite Zero Landfill Initiative Is Making a Difference

Yosemite Visitors: Do You Know How Much Waste Is Recycled Across The Park Each Year?