Collective Learning Impacts on the Evolution of Man/Society
Candido, Aleeyah, Chelsea, Logan
(Period 2)
Chelsea Dudoit
Common Man
Early Evidence of Collective Learning
What Makes Humans Different?
From Forraging to Food Shopping
A few million years ago, our ancestors were like other species around the world; we'd stay in packs, forage for food, and used tools every now and then.
We like to use the easiest way to gain food and materials
Humans ability to accumulate information make us the most dominant species on the planet
We as humans like to maximize our gains and minimize our costs
Fatty Foods were precious and hunter/gatherers would hunt them first which would cause a mass extinction among certain species.
Humans ability to communicate and withhold information and apply it to our everyday lives helped us become the most dominant and powerful species in he world.
Apparently humans come from apes but evolved into a much more complex species, being able to think for ourselves, come up with ideas, then share our ideas so everyone else can benefit from the idea we came up with.
100,000 to 200,000 years ago, Homo Sapiens came along.
They were normal at first but then they started migrating to different environments, they started building things like homes, and made tools more complex than before
Humans are able to cooperate with each other, as well as other species, plants, animals. Our ability to cooperate with one another allows us to be dominant.
In the span of four billion years, no other species has made as much progress as we have.
This is because we have collective learning, so ideas never really die and we learn from each other.
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Flexed bottom of skulls also made us choke more easily
Flexed skulls was good and much needed for speech
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Humans differ from our near primate relatives is in the degree of our behavioral variability .
Humans made all of the stone tool designs
200,000 years ago there were changes in human skulls
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Humans formed more flexed bottom skulls
We are able to communicate with (relative) precision and we are able to communicate a lot because of language.