Collective Learning on Civilization
What makes us humans different?
What makes us humans different?
We as humans have a peculiar method of communication. Language , a style of communication. Sharing ideas and information efficiently and with great depth.
No other species can do what we can do.
Collective memory: the accumulations of information among a group of people
There is no limit to the amounts of ideas and information shared. The thoughts do not stop there, rather they go into your collective memory. That way the ideas you have will not stop with you, it will get passed down from generation to generation.
Evidence of Collective Learning
From the video, the evidence of collective, it mainly focused on the language evolution compared to the stone tools. For example, how a vital necessity to human is language, without language we can't communicate, and without the evolution of our skulls and face features, it to couldn't happen. This is done with help of the gene FOXP2.
Everything shares a common history
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From Forging to shopping
Our ideas are passed down from generations to generations through communication called language.Our ideas are stored in our collective memory so they won't die.
Shares collective learning globally
From the video, "From forging to shopping", the informative person mention people called the Hunter gathers. These people would decide what to eat, and hunter for food that were rich in calories and nutrients, as well as food high in sugars and fat. Due to their excessive prey choice, it lead to the extinction of numerous animals. Evidence can say that our dietary problems and choices can trace back to them.
We're the first species on this planet where information is accumulating
Humans are the first species in 4 billion years that are capable of sharing information so efficiently
The ability to learn collectively as the human population, to keep communicating and sharing ideas from generation to generation is what makes us humans unique to earth.
Humans are great cooperators
We humans have created language which is a very powerful way of communication
each other
Humans tie everything together, we are the center of things
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