First Grade
Culture and Cultural Diversity
1.2.B. Compare and contrast our community in the past and the present
1.7.D. Share findings about a social studies topic.
Time, Continuity, and Change
1.6.B. Propose peaceful resolutions of disputes in the classroom and on the playground
People, Places and Environments
1.1.F-Recognize and explain the significance of the Statue of Liberty, U.S. Capitol, Bald Eagle and the Liberty Bell.
Recognize and explain the significance of symbols of your local community.
1.3a. C. Describe the contributes of people typically studied in K-5 programs associated with national holidays. (See teacher resources for illustrative examples)
1.5.B. Locate a place by pointing it out of a map and by describing its relative location
1.5.A. A. Identify globes as representation of real places. With assistance read, construct, and use maps which have a title and key.
Describe how maps are created for different purposes such as a school fire drill, a trip to the zoo etc.
Use a compass rose to identify cardinal directions on a map
1.5.C.Recount stories about locations, people and cultural events in your community.
Individual Groups
1.6.A.Describe cultural characteristics of your school and community.
( See teacher resources for illustrative examples)
Power, Authority, and Governance
1.1.B. Identify and explain why cities make laws.
1.2.C. Describe how authoritative decisions are made,enforced and interpreted within schools and local communities.
1.2.D. Describe roles and responsibilites of people in government, such as a judge, mayor, police, city council member, in a community
Production, Distribution, and Consumption
1.4.A.Describe example of scarcity within your school and community.
Describe examples of goods and services within your school and community.
Describe consumers and producers and the relationship to goods and services within your school and community.
Science, Technology, and Society.
1.5.C C.Identify physical characteristics of your community. (See teacher
resources for illustrative examples)
Describe human characteristics of your
community. (See teacher resources for illustrative examples)text
1.7.B B. Create visual tools to communicate information.
1.7.AA. Identify and analyze primary and secondary social studies’ sources in classroom discussion with guidance and support from an adult.
Identify and use artifacts to share information on social studies’ topics.
(See teacher resources for illustrative examples
Global Connections
1.6.D. Describe how your community commemorates its cultural heritage.
Civic Ideals and Practices
1.1.D.D. Give examples of being an active and informed citizen in you classroom and community.
1.1.E. E. Describe the character traits of role models within your community.
Individual Development and Identity
1.1. C. Discuss how individual laws are protected.
Activity: Give each group a different slip on paper with a different classroom/playground problem. Have students come up with ways to solve the problem as a group.
Activity: Read this book then have students come up with character traits for their own role model.
Activity: Have students come up with ways of how the can become more active within their community.
Activity: Students will make a picture describing the cult in their lives.
Activity: Students will research social problems and then present them to the class.
Activity: Have students work in groups. Each group is to come up with 3 items they want on a trip and 3 items they will need. Together the group will narrow their wants and needs down to 3 per group.
Activity: Have a class discussion about the different cultural characteristics in the school and community.
Activity: Have students research the roles of people in government. Student write down what they find and share with a shoulder partner.
Activity: Use a teacher as an example as to why they make authoritative decisions within the classroom. Then the principle, and then go on to talk about the mayor.
Activity: Teach students about primary and secondary sources through completion of “What it Really Means”
Activity: School House Rock
Activities: Assign students in groups. Assign each group a symbol. Students are to research each symbol and make a poster explaining the significance.
Activity: Celebrate national holidays with students. Such as Columbus day. Watch videos, read books and inform students daily about the holiday.
Activity: As a class come research what makes your community special.