Impact of genomics on the medical industry, specifically gene editing

CRISPR immune system in bacteria

can takes parts of the virus DNA and inserts it into CRISPR sequence

Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats

CRISPR-assosciated genes

Ethical implications: gene therapy

ostracising communities?

gene editing human embryos

religious responses

1987 Yoshizumi Ishino near iap gene

same 29 bases, 32 spacers with unique seq.

2002 Ruud Jansen noticed near CRISPR there was CAS restrictive enzymes

Duodena discovered CRISPR

Discovery made by Koonin

change guide RNA


transgenic animals



Targets multiple genes simultaneously

Novartis; use in cancer treatments

Editas Medicine

Kamel Khalili removed HIV from genome of animals 50% success rate