Layout of Report


What is autism?


Alternative Ways of Diagnosing/Intervening

Why is diagnosing an issue?


Finding Support

Empowering the Spectrum

Subjective Method

Vulnerabilities to Stigma and Stereoptypes

Case Study: Anderson

Case Study: Temple Grandin

Case Study: Donald T.

Case Study: Alex Goodenough

Helped the Cattle Industry

Special Abilities vs Difficulties

Integral part of personality

Changed perspective of difference and variation

Identified problems exhibited

Intervention prevents future mishaps

Helps us to understand from client's persepctive

Introversion vs disability

Outdated views on assessment

Lack of standardisation

Other successful interventions

Research lacking validity

Labelling the 'disorder' or the person?

Blinded by expectations

Misconceptions/myths prevent people from understanding autism

Similar attitudes to other mental conditions

Restricts potential/capabilities in the workplace, career opportunities etc.

Stephen Shore: “If you’ve met one person with autism, you’ve met one person with autism.”

Oxford Dictionary Definition

Dictionary of Psychology Definition

Etymology of word

Contemporary Debate - is autism overdiagnosed?

Criticisms of Theory of Mind

Diagnostic Criteria focuses more on labels

Disability or difference?

Brain Scans

Avaaz program