Three Big Focuses
Greater Pedagogy
What is the cozzle path way to get deeper learning
How Systems Change
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Demonstrate Mutula respect
Employ Skillful Listening
As we share, trust matters
Let's Be hard on ideas and soft on people
Activtely use NPDL tools as a refereence
Deep Learning Design Principles
Dual Track Learning
Collaborative Learning
Collaboratively Inquiry Focues
What is Deep Learning? Module 1
Critical Thinking
Observing Engima Mission:Video to locate the 6C's
Deep Learning Progressions See Chart
Implementation Tools
What are the students doing?
What do you hear them saying?
What sort of tasks are they working on?
What resources are they using?
What is the teacher doing?
What are they saying?
Model 2 Deep Learning New Pedagogies Forster Deep Learning
Deep Learning: Teacher Self-Assessment Teacher Level
1. Pedagodical Practices
2. Learning Partnerships
3. Learning Environments
4. Leveraging Digital
Sense of Belonging; RiskTaking:
How do you create an environment that connects us with others? What is the learning environment?
How d o we use digital to accelerate learning?
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Increase in new pracitices
Coding; Project -Based Learning
Activity Watched Three Videos: Number off in numbers of four,"used a advanced organizer, switched roles; analyszed each video with share out with group
Four Corners Call Out of Key Learrings fro m each of the four components
There is a pedogical learning mat
How are you buidling precision in New Pedagogies
Suite of Tools
Learning Desiign New Pedaogies
Deep Learning Progressions
Learning Condiitons
Learning Progressions to assess and measure deep learning compentenices
Tools and Protocols to design Deeper Learning
6 C's
New Pedagoies Design Rubirc
New Pedagogies Design Learning Design Protocal
Teacher Self-Assessement
Rubrics to Asses
Cluster Condition
School Conditions
Systems Conditions
Implementation Design
Learning Process
Advanced Organizer
Watch Video
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NPDL Day 2
2 ideas that are clearer
One Thing I want to know more of
3 Inspiring Ideas
Students thoroughly engaged
Strong Community Connection
Problem Based Learning
The Six C's
The Four Elements
How can I connect with a NPDL community
Friends as we implement Deeper Learning
Module 4:Video Re-Thinking Design
How did the teachers deepen Learning in the redesign?
What factors did they consider in the redesign?
What idea might be useful in your work?
Give Teachers a pathway Use the simple four card organizer
Learning Redesign Simulation
Learning Design Rubric
Leveraging Digital
Learning Partnerships
Pedagogical Practices
Learning Environments
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- Determine acceptable evidence
- Plan learning experiences and instruction
- Identify Desired Results
NPDL is not the next shiny object, but is a frame for learning.. We are already have several of these elements, but need to really focus on organization. Place critical content in the center and build standards around it. NPDL is complementary to what you are already doing. We give a chunk and then think and then action...the chunk and then think and then action...
What are we aleady doing? and build on it
Design, Teach, Comeback and Share
Use Learning Loops, Try it out and then Share it back or reflect...chances of using it goes way up.
Module 5: School Conditions for Deep Learning. 6 Dimensions
Start with a Real Experience
Poster Paper Folded in Fours: Graffitti Board What do you think are the most important conditions that need to be in place in order for to have deep learning.
Four Friends
Simulation Video:
- Vision and Goals
- Leadership for Deep Learning
- Creating a Culture for Learning
- Leveraging Digital
Each Person selects one area
and studies video for evidence on items below
Middle School Grew condideralby
Teacher Role as Learner
Becomes Our Agenda
Park Manor 300 Students Middle School
School Board on Capacity Building
Gradual release to share and learn from each other
Built Pedagogy
Then Add Technololgy
Getting Comfortable Not Knowing;But a desire to learn, plotting where you are and what is a small step to move froward, supportive staff to move forward; needed devices; trying and growing from failure to success; grow on your own rate
Accelerated Learning Framework: 6 C's
Exemplary Pedagogy
Rich Learning Tasks
Locate this amazing graphic
Students use the Framework for success
Created the 21st Posters;
Students understand and use these skills
Year 2 Pedagogy and Framework
NPDL Global Website will take us to a membership website. All materials are propriitory do not share
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6 Dimensions for Assessing School Conditions
1. Vision and Goals
2. Leading Deep Change
3. Creating a Learning Culture
4. Capacity Building
5. New Measures & Evalution
6. Leveraging Digital
Building Partnerships both inside classroom and outside classroom....
Module 6: Building Capacity for Deep Learning
What is Capciity Buidling? It is aperocess of developing the knowledge, skills and comittment at the heart of the orgaiization.
Produces new skills
Generates greater clarity
Results in ownership
Think of a time when you experienced learning a comples new skill or approach.
identify two elements of the learning desing that made the exerience successful
Group Responses
- Experimental or Hands On
- Collaborate
- Celebration of Team Success : Rewarding
Presenter : "How do we change people's behavior? Great video about paperless and toilet paper
Relations Between Levels of Impact & Components of Learning
4. Job Embedded Coaching , Peer PLC, Feedback, 80-90 percent retain
1, Presentation of Theory only 5 to 10 % retain
- Practice and Low Risk Feedback 10 to 15% retain
- Modeling 5 to 10% retain
Guiding Prrinciples
- Collaborative: practice
- Connected
- Sustanined
- Personalized
Implementation Models
Large Model with County Support
Victorian Model
Focused on increasing the collaboration by using the 4 Elements of Deep Learning. This was an activity that bridged the 6 C's with the 4 Elements