In class

Through events


Write articles

Create multi-media projects

Awareness campaigns

Invite a guest speaker

Offer a short presentation

Invite social entrepreneurs to class

Organize conferences

Incorporate SE into existing events

Hold a kiosk

Promote collective and social entrepreneurship

With projects

develop or identify « time-bound» experiential learning projects to which students can contribute.

organize visits to a collective/social enterprise or incubation space.

Through events

promote events on campus, or form a student delegation to attend relevant events on other campuses

assemble a delegation to participate in interactive events (brainstorming, café-lab, social innovation challenges)

Jobs & internships

promote jobs and internship opportunities in innovation, collective and social entrepreneurship

Promote better understanding and involvement in student cooperatives.

Work with entrepreneurship centres to ensure they have the appropriate information to best support collective and social entrepreneurship projects.

Mobilize students to create a student cooperative on campus, (if such need is expressed by students).


Work with professors to incorporate social and collective enterprise and its social impact in course plan (new forms of entrepreneurship)

Work with student associations to encourage/promote collective and social enterprise during events.

Collaborate on the development of a social economy/social enterprise policy on campus.


Encourage collaboration between institutions

Facilitate inter-campus meetings and projects around given themes


Participate in or support projects housed at the institutional level

Matthieu is lead on integrating SE into CAPS at Concordia

Presentation planned for September 22nd.
Cam will present.

Ambassadors participating in Social Innovation Curriculum Design Challenge

Planning kiosks for Orientation

Cameron researching FailCamp designs and models and reaching out to potential partners.
Planning Document

Come up with new games and ways of communicating the social economy #

Promote collective and social enterprise on and around campus - Identify student entrepreneurs and direct them to the appropriate resources to further their project.

Develop inventory of SE resources on campus and make available and easily consultable

Find or develop list of cooperative business on campus

Schedule introductory meetings with coops

Helen Downie said she could prepare a list of good events for us to be present at

Research events

Crystal Gala on Sept 7 might be a good networking event. Cam is going with Felix.

Off class: have a panel of SE professionals #

Research events happening at Concordia that we can connect with

15 min presentations scheduled for two orientation sessions: 6 sept, 13 sept @ GSA offices (Cam presenting Pecha Kucha)

Community fair on Sept 8 11am-4pm on Mackay street

Cameron re-emailed with list of events we are attending and asked if she had any other suggestions (Sept 4)

Meeting with Odette (CSMO-ESAC), Cam & Matt on Sep 14

Workshop / Skillshare Series - Navigating Collective Social Change (Mau) #

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Outreach to campus media (Link, Now, Concordian) for general article about new ambassadors (Sept 10-15)

Put CHNGR flyers around campus #

Flyers left at CAPS (Aug. 25)

Posters at CSU Boards

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Concordia Co-Op Bookstore


Hive Cafe

Frigo Vert

Schedule a one on one discussion with D3 reps at some point in September

Case of Burritoville makes this an interesting situation at Concordia. Connect to FailCamp.

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CHNGR Sun / Axis

Students (general)



Entrep. Centers

Career Planing Services

Entrep. Projects on Campus

CSMO-ESAC Meeting with Odette on Wednesday Sept 14 2pm #

Meeting with Career Management Services Thursday Sept 22