International lending update
Data sources
Second highest quality paid subscription service.
Finance Asia
Very little info on relevant international (Indo, Viet, India) deals.
Excellent resource. There are occasions where this has revealed much more information than the paid subscription sources.
High quality summary sourced from a variety of sources, including local info providers (e.g. news sources). It is not uncommon for key information found here to be omitted from professional subscription sources.
Highest quality subscription source. Appears we can find information here that's missed on Sourcewatch / local media.
Google search + Google alerts
University account search
Almost always picks up ProQuest as the source, but there are other sources.
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More important deals = higher frequency
Local campaigners
Tend to monitor local news sources and most closely monitor project progress.
Which countries are we tracking? Which are most important? Coal power and mining - but how about ports, rail, IWPPs, co-fired gen etc.?
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