CapCom Meeting 07/31/2016
Q3 Goal: Bringing IP Alive!
Interdisciplinary Perspective Discussion
How to make sure CapCom goal fulfillment?
Reasons why people will be left behind ?
How to reach any goal irrespective about the constraints ?
What are we doing? Why are we doing this?
Proactively go on creating disruption in industries taking examples from various industries
How can we use perceptions/biases to our advantage?
We want to work on the verge of chaos, to get learning from other industry, a way to radically improve work; Obvious way to think about solving any problem (reactive approach)
Ideas coming from seemingly unrelated areas
Harvard Business Review:- How Resilience Works?
Resilience can help you survive and recover
from even the most brutal experiences.
To cultivate resilience, apply these practices
Search for Meaning
Continually Improvise
Face Down Reality
Instead of denying to cope with
hardship, take down-to-earth view of
the reality of your situation. Prepare
yourself to act in ways that enable you to survive
When hard times strike, resist any impulse to view yourself as a victim and to cry, “Why me?” Rather, devise constructs about your suffering to create meaning for yourself and others.
When disaster hits, be inventive. Make the most of what you have, putting resources to unfamiliar uses and imagining possibilities others don’t see.
How Resilient are you? | Activity
Take a tough situation or a past failure. How would being resilient in this situation would have changed the course of your life that followed?
Face Down Reality
Search for Meaning
Continually Improvise
How could you have mentally aligned urself and your teams to this vision?
What could have stopped you from running those experiments?
What choices would you have made differently if you faced that reality early on?
What reality did u deny or ignore?
What would have changed?
Describe in one line what a vision for the future should have been?
What unimaginable experiments could you have tried?
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