Community - Partner/Customer/ID
Smaller Partners
Independent Developer
Value Proposition(as a contributor)
Related Features
Value Proposition
Related Features
Showcase the best integration practices, create potential business opportunities (so some potential customer have chance to explore our partners' solutions) - ATTRACT CUSTOMERS
Showcase their own projects, increase visibility
Teach their existed customer the functionality of their solution, lower the training barriers
Using Ranking system to trigger positive competition between developers (Leverage the idea from Champions Program)
Positive competition and ranking will trigger developer's passion on creating more artifacts
Provide corresponded reward for high ranking developers
Ranking board for ID artifacts
Confidential/ Privacy problem
Want to be the viewer, not willing to be the contributor
Value Proposition(as a viewer)😃
Positive engagement with developer from other orgs
Profile page and Enrichment page
Feature Partner in front page
Expose to more mule project, gain more knowledge. Increase efficiency for building own projects
Potential solution
Give free trainings for active enterprise
Give free spots for joining Conferences
Any other discount/ reward?
Big Partner, system integration
Value Proposition(As a contributor)
Mulesoft identify the best mule project, show the business analysis, show how much revenue will it gain
Campaign program
Press release
Website promotion
Revenue share
Developing Funding
Engagement within Community
Business case
Existed mule project (which is not secret sauce), one of many
Going big, increase awareness