Lifecycle Building Challenge
Team 2

[P] Flower Movement
Structures composed of a concentric arrangement of leaves open through elongation of their inner surface and close through elongation of their outer surface

[S] Tensegrity Structures
Isolated compression elements are held together by continuous tensile elements into a flexible resilient structure.

extensive resource

[S] Wood Wide Web Mycorrhizal Networks (Mycelia)
Materials, resources, and services are allocated where needed through specialized channels effectively establishing a network of various consumers and contributors

[O] Dragonfly (Anisoptera)
Increasing friction between two surfaces when there is a needed for traction

[O] Mountain Goat Feet (Oreamnos americanus)
Maintaining a traction when encountering irregular substrates while preserving stability of the unit.

[O] Veined Octopus (amphioctopus marginatus)
Adapt components, leveraging function in a new context.

[O] Spider Legs (Arachnida)
Low energy hydraulic actuator and energy storing mechanisms (springs) manipulates extension and retraction of a flexible membrane.

[O] Terrestrial hermit crab (coenobita clypeatus)
Manage resources through need assessment and distribution processes that promote reuse of resources between multiple parties.

foldable partitions / furniture

modular sized units that adapt to 1/2"to 1" tollerance in fit out spaces

flexible columns /beams which can be used in any orientation

communication from job site to job site that has components that are being demo'ed and salvaged and can be re-used in a different fit out

Health product declarations

converting unit into a new use


mounting hardware into the unit ex. lights, work surfaces

automatic door openers

integration of ductwork/ hvac grills

project team: owner, contractor, architectural team, engineers, city officals

connection to units that are flexible and hold traction during natural disasters, storms/floods, earth quakes

regional sourced materials

floor/ ceiling tracks that adapt to existing conditions; ie unleveled floor, walls, or ceilings

insulation or acoustical materials

used materials availability online - needs and availability communicated

special transport mechanisms of surplus materials

rethinking supply and waste streams in to circular systems - beyond craigslist / free cycle

services - construction labor and professional design team labor could be shared through a network

digital app developed to communicate through specialized channels/networks re-materials, resources and services

Process Attributes

  • inside
  • quickly
  • controlled
  • gracefully
  • forcefully
  • independently - manipulate parts as-needed

Context Descriptors
[conditions essential to the success of the strategy or to how the strategy evolved]

  • no internal skeleton
  • no extensor muscle
  • flexible folding membrane
  • (hemolymph) fluid
  • prosma contraction
  • flexing control over muscle

Key Function Verbs
[what is the strategy ultimately trying to solve for]

  • manage physical state
  • animate
  • extend (inflating)
  • actively retract

Clarifying Modifiers

  • structural
  • vascular
  • pressured
  • non-newtonian (dependent on shear rate or shear rate history)

[existing solutions]



  • actively extend
  • retract (deflation)
  • remain staitionary


  • collectively - manipulate all parts together

what are other types of non-newtonian fluids?

  • blood, synovial
  • starch suspensions
  • slurries (concrete, paper pulp)
  • gels
  • plasma

What newtonian fluids could be explored?

  • water
  • air
  • oil
  • steam
  • nitrogen

How will operating temperatures impact viscosity? Will required pressures be achieved?

What are other methods are available to pump fluid(s)?

What are different ways the flexible membrane could be folded to adjust maneuverability? How does nature fold?

How can we achieve active tension (criteria include stress, strain, strain rate, cycle life, and elastic modulus)?

  • artificial muscle fibers
  • springs
  • tension bands, flexiable polumers
  • shape memory alloys/polymers
  • use gravity?

What are different triggers can manipulate "flexing"?

  • electrical
  • thermal
  • chemical(?)

Could tensegrity structures inform this design?

[application opportunities]

  • temporary/deployable structure
  • permanent structure
  • moving/responsive structure
  • robotic assistance
  • barrier manipulation (i.e. doors, windows, lids, room separators)
  • adjust shape to meet functional need (i.e. chair, table, storage)
  • control fluid-flow/direction through facility

Physical Attributes

  • flexible
  • cylindrical
  • thin
  • long
  • segments
  • lightweight

Physical Attributes

  • scales from nano (elemental) to macro structures
  • lightweight
  • strong

Key Function Verbs
[what is the strategy ultimately trying to solve for]

  • structural resilience (impact, turbulence, buckling, shear, tension, compression...)

Context Descriptors
[conditions essential to the success of the strategy or to how the strategy evolved]

  • three-dimensional
  • varying force conditions (multi-stress)
  • multi-component
  • members under tension that are contiguous and members under compression that are not
  • energy efficient configuration

Clarifying Modifiers

  • moves
  • stays put
  • stable
  • flexiable
  • optical
  • thermal
  • dampening
  • complex
  • attractive
  • advantageous
  • close packing

Are there limitation to scaling up or down?

What other shapes could inform fluid channel?

Are there a limitations to length and thickness relative to pressure requirements?

How many segments could we incorporate before loosing functional capabilities?

Process Attributes

  • abruptly
  • endlessly
  • firmly
  • intricately
  • often/regularly

[existing solutions]

Airplane wing

[application opportunities]

  • {topology} optimization software (similar to Optistruct)
  • flexible/malleable structure
  • immobile/immovable structure
  • locomotion (floating tension)
  • close-packing
  • revolving torus (circular, cylindrical, spherical) structure

click to edit

tiled or modular elements - "kit-of-parts" to all fit out materials

framework of components upon which panels are clipped - ceiling tiles/wall tiles/floor tiles/shelving

modularity of components utilizing STANDARD construction techniques and practices - site built assemblies that are modular

clip connecting systems that foster disassembly of modular components - links to attachment opportunities to be reconsidered and inspired by biology

new context - durability of components as surfaces that might be applied to ceilings, then to floors, then to walls

qualitative consideration of materials - no obsolescence

similar application, but different lease space

recoating/refurbishing/patinas to adapt components to a new look or lease identity

distribution processes - availability of components within a single landlord facility; decentralized/local distribution warehouses with digital inventories that facilitate designer access

multiple parties assessment and distribution

supply chain processes

adapt components

fit form to function



position defines purpose

cut to size or adjust to length/width


inside out


swap meets


circular economy

local/decentralized hubs

meet ups and connectivity platforms

Need assessment

consider other industries also that might use the materials or have surplus - e.g. using surplus paper tubes from the fabric industry for structure

contextual parameters - scale of lease space, retail type, location, infrastructure requirement

communication of tenant improvement requirements, availability of resources for reuse - digital app development

end of life cycle

digital online format

materials that are life friendly

damaged parts can easily be replaced without replacing the whole system

framework is made using kit of parts modular components and panels are local materials / repurposed materials?

umbrella like structures defining spaces

using air pressure to open jointed structure, springs to retract

attachment mechanism that works by expanding into different sized cracks using hydraulic arms which anchor components

blinds and sun control devices that change form in reaction to changes in temperature

materials that change transparency to light or air by opening and closing of pores

operable flaps for display of items

[existing NATURAL solutions]
Carbon Nanotubes


Spider Web


Fractal Weed

Caterpillar - tensio natat, floating tension.

Apple -Torus

DNA - Helical