Importance of disciplinary action
helps supervisory personnel
correct unacceptable behaviour & maintain good conduct
avoid common problems and benefits them in several ways
Factors to consider when developing disciplinary actions
control is gained
rules/orders to be obey and punishing any bad behaviour
state of employee self-control and orderly conduct
extenuating factors
degree of socialisation
frequency and maturity of problem
history of organisation's discipline practices
duration of problem
management backing
Disciplinary action
act of invoking a penalty against an employee
fails to meet established standards
disciplinary process/procedure
decision (written and given to employee and file)
appeal period given
investigation and hearing
final decision
offence reported to line manager
Types of discipline approaches/principles
Progressive Discipline
Due Process
Hot Stove Rule
Just Cause
provides warning/pre-warning
give consistent punishment
burns immediately
burns impersonally
oral warning
written warning
suspension without pay (1-3days/1week)
Seven tests
procedures of disciplinary actions
, enabling employee to defend themselves