Gap Analysis Cyberloafing in Workplace Environm
Lim & Teo
Ethical Policy
Liberman, 2011
( Lee, Lee, and Kim 2004)
Garrett and Danzinger,2008
Woon & Pee, 2004
Job Attitude
(Spector x Fox, 2002; Blanchard & Henle, 2008, Chack & Leung, 2004)
Locus of Control
Paullay, Alliger, Stone-Romero, 1994
Garrett and Danzinger
IV: Restriction of internet use
IV: Anticipated Outcomes
IV: Managerial Support
Liberman, 2011
IV:Perceived Cyberloafing
IV: Managerial support
IV: Non-internet loafing behaviors
IV: Influence from coworkers and supervisors
Emine Ogut,Mehmet Sahim, 2013
IV: Organizational Justice
IV: Job Involvement
IV: Job Characteristics
Chak & Leung, 2004; Lim & Chen, 2009; de Lara, 2007; Garrett & Danziger, 2008; Henle & Blanchard, 2008)
IV: Intrinsic Involvement
(Sonnentag, 2003)
IV: Periodic Break
(Vitak, 2011)
IV: Job satisfaction
IV: Relief boredom
IV: Relief fatique
IV: Relief stress
(Jia, 2008)
IV: Extraversion
IV: Work Environment
IV: Belief in chance & Belief in powerful, 2002
IV: Gender
(Abidin, R., 1Abdullah C.S., Phd, 2Hasnan, N., Phd and 1Bajuri A.L., 2014)
Personality [traits]
IV: Extraversion
IV: Agreeableness
IV: Conscientiousness
IV: Emotional Stability/Neuroticism
IV: Intellect/Openness
Encouragement of internet use
Clack, 2000
Wagner , 2012
IV: Low self -control
IV: Private demand
Orhan Cinar
IV: Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Henle & Blanchard, 2008
IV: Work Stressors ( Role Ambiguity, Role Conflict) Moderator: Perceived Organizational Sanctions
IV: Shyness, 2004
(Alshuaibi, Shamsudin, and Subramaniam, 2013)
IV: Leadership and human resource management practices
Ugrin and Pearson, 2008
Organisational control
Buckner, Castille, and Sheets, 2012; Chen, Chen, and Yang, 2008
Individual dispositions
Bock, Park, Zhang, 2010
Bakker and Demerouti, 2007; Demerouti, 2001
Job burnout
Job demand
Job resources
Ariani, 2013; Sulea, 2012
Work engagement
Self-Control Behavior
Askew, 2016
Job Burnout
Emotional Exhaustion
Decreased Personal Efficacy
Intention to engage,
social norm
personal ethical code
Internet Addiction
Jia, Jia, & Karau, 2013