Assessment Review


Work Book

Micro-lab protocol

Thoughts about how we give students feedback through workbook after the course.

Putting a grade on work intended for practice or formative purposes is considered bad feedback.

How can we use this tool in our inquiry lesson?

Are ticks and crosses good enough as a feedback? How do we ensure that we provide effective feedback through workbook marking?

To what extent do you agree with this for our SAW feedback?

How do you respond to the SAW marks of your students/classes?

What are the advantages of using this tool?

Any challenges?

How do you give students feedback other than ticks and crosses?

What is the purpose of using SAW?

It is ok to give marks for each question/level, but the sum of scores for the entire WS serves little purpose in the feedback process.

I conducted a survey with my students. They want their SAW to be graded. They understand that they need to get more than 70% and 60% for levels 0 and 1. But they know that level 2 questions are challenging. Since the students view the marks scored as important, we should ensure that our questions are of the correct difficulty / level.

To decide which students I need to see in small groups

If a student get NO NO NO, how do we follow up?

Qns in order of difficulty - for students to understand types of questions (KCA)

To standardize the rigour across all classes

To see if my teaching was not learnt and if I need to reteach

Topic summary

For the no, no, no students, they know that they need to ensure they understand their workbook questions and ensure all corrections done in WB. To boost their confidence, they are told to do their TYS.

Does the order of implementing SAW matters? Example : Teach -> Practice -> workbook -> SAW

It is not bad if it prompts a action. Y/N helps me decide if I see std or pass.

It is not bad in Asian culture. It depends if the students are learning or achievement oriented. The grade works for achievement oriented stds. It spurs them on.

I know if they should drop to combine science?

How is SAW self-assessment? It is only "self assessment" if students are given clear guideline on how they can improve.

For weaker classes, it would be better to stagger the SAW questions based on subtopics. But more often than not, stds are expected to complete all SAW qns on their own due to lack of time. We ended up having only sufficient time for gg thru ans.
May be gd to consider guiding them to do those qns during lesson to ensure they at least attempt ALL qns (else they may just end up as blanks or copied work).

crosses at key points. Or bracket key points then give ticks.

Ask a followup question. Then "see me" for motivated stds only

I will write very very simple comments or suggestions for students to improve their answers. For key words, I will put a tick above these words.
(JX agrees with whoever wrote this...)

Cross with correct answers or with hint on how to solve

Is the WB used as a summative or formative assessment tool

Can have rich discussions for classes that have very active contributors.

Suspends judgement. Importance of think time, allow student to process info.

Discipline must be ensured
e.g. students must follow strictly when to do what.
e.g. teacher must refrain from intercepting their discussions unnecessarily (to allow them to discuss on their own).
How to facilitate discussion if there are students who are unable to progress with the discussion topic.

It is meant to close any gaps in learning.

Learning is not individual but as a community

Instill discipline of turn taking and listening to others.

CoL, Jigsaw learning, everyone share one part of their learning and piece them together.

If answers reflect severe misconceptions, speak to stds face-to-face

Is there enough runway before students' assessment? Students might not have enough time for learning to take place before SAW.

Ensure full participation