English education problem at YNU


Large classroom demerit

small classroom merit


I saw 1LR class

too many people to learn English class

There are about 50people in a class

It is difficult to teach English



①difficlut to graps Student's idea

②difficlut to gibe a role for student

difficult for students to communicate with other people

it is good for teachers to be 20~25 people per one clasroom

they resarched from 1999 to 2000.

it is difficult for teacher to grasp student's idea
or student's prospective


②easy to teach English for teachers

③easy to give arole for students

①easy to catch student's idea

it is good to do small classroom

but it enable to reduce students
or increase teachers

to do group activity

to use jigsaw method

①to give a question for students

②to give different materials for each students

③same material group, to talk about this material and think for my idea to be in deep

④differnt material group, to share own materials and
to combine my idea with other idea

⑤presentation in a classroom

⑥individual activity to solve the question for myself

this method merit

easy to give a role for students

easy to communicate with other people for students

able to students for teachers and
easy to grasp students'idea and
to instruct students