UC Greatest talent/skill: talking

comes naturally

allow opportunities in and out of classroom

ability to talk to all age groups

meaningful to me

has helped me with my job at Barre3

has helped me make new friends

my friends would be surprised with my ability to hold a conversation with much older people

it is defines who i am

whenever I'm quiet, everyone knows something is up

growing up

middle school

i always lost the silent game

aunts and uncles always said: "you never stopped talking"

everyone thought i would be a lawyer because i talked so much

i was sent outside of class for talking too much

i learned when to stop talking

i made friends

high school

i participated a lot in class

teachers asked me to emcee most of the school events

older people have mistaken my age because of how i speak (mature, etc.)

its crazy how my way of speaking (depending on how old the person is) can change in a snap

i make everyone feel welcome

opportunities like Miss CIE and Student Body President of CIE


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i lure people into donating for a cause

make people come back because they like the environment of Barre3

friendly service